The dawn of a new era...

Hello and welcome to all new, singing and dancing 
Key Stage Two Blog!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to launch a new Blog for our Year Five and Six children! As you know, I love nothing more than showing off our fabulous children and now I have even more children to actually show off! Go me!

I must warn you now, before you go any further, you should make yourselves comfortable - it's a bit of an epic!

As Year Six have been 'Blog-less' for the last few weeks, I am going to start with them...

Welcome to Year Six!

I haven't had the opportunity to do that officially have I? Well, let me right that wrong and formally introduce the fabulous Year Six Team:

This is the majority of the team who will be looking after you this year. From left to right:
Miss Enever (Year Six Assistant Progress Leader), Mrs Winstanley (6IW), Miss Randall (6NR), Mrs Ray (me!), Mr Haigh (6TH), Mr Weir (6CWr) and Mr Palmer (6MP).

The lovely Ms Grassby works alongside me in both Year Five and Year Six and has the official title of Key Stage Two Learning Mentor. Her job is mostly a pastoral one, making sure that everyone is happy at school and supported on a day to day basis. 

She is fantastic - we are very lucky to have her!

I am delighted to welcome back Miss Enever to the DMS fold! She starts as Assistant Progress Leader for Year Six and Seven after October half term but has been kindly popping to in help make the Year Six environment something to be really proud of - more of that later!

Sporting Stars of the Future

At the top of the Year Six Corridor the other day, I was approached by a few children who had received on of these:

I was so impressed with their Commendation that I insisted on taking their photographs for the Blog. They didn't put up much resistance!

Well done - what a brilliant achievement! 

Talking of Sport, this is from our inspirational Mr Roberts...

Wednesday 3rd October 2018
DASP Pyramid Sports Fixture at DMS
DMS v St Osmund's Middle School and St Mary's Middle School
Year 6 Netball.v St Osmunds Middle  WON 12-0
Year 5/6 Tag Rugby 
Year 6 Football
Year 6 Basketball v St Osmunds Middle WON 18-8
Over 120 pupils from across our 3 Middle Schools converged at the County Town Middle School of DMS.
All participated devotedly,each ardent for some glory that they could relive to passing friends in their respective playgrounds.
For those advocates of active lifestyles-it was a joyous spectacle of guile and agility.
For those in society who regard children as increasingly sedentary-it was a living contradiction.
Sport was the winner this evening,as is normally is.
Well done DMS pupils!

Wow! What a brilliant event to be part of! A HUGE Thank You to all the children who participated! 

Worth a Mention Children Year Six

There was a fabulous buzz in the Year Six corridor this morning when the famous Worth a Mention Board was reinstated!



So that you can see who are WAMs this week here is the breakdown, class by class:

Absolutely brilliant - well done one and all! It's good to see that you are still working hard and being gorgeous in Year Six!

Thank you Miss Enever for making it look so brilliant - we are going to love this board so much!


Mr Haigh emailed this to me the other day and I simply had to include it!

Classification using Liquorice Allsorts - absolute genius! I hate liquorice but love this strategy to teach classification which can be quite tricky to understand at the best of times!

Golden Time

Image result for sad puppy face

Now, after all that positivity, I am sad to report that 43 children in Key Stage Two missed their Golden Time this week! 

There were a variety of reasons but the main one this week seemed to be that diaries were not being signed. Please be assured that I have trained the children how to ask for their diaries to be signed with a pen in hand and a polite tone of  voice. Let's hope the training pays off for next week and that my classroom isn't quite as packed as it was this week!

Please remember that Golden Time is now on a Wednesday and not a Friday as our Dorchester University day has changed. As a result of this, the majority of diaries are now checked on Tuesday unless the Homebase Tutor has made an alternative arrangement with their class.


Image result for buddens scout camp

Year Five are off to Buddens next week and I can't wait!

Please make sure that permission slips and money have been returned to school without delay as without sufficient funds we will not be able to run the trip.

Fingers crossed that the weather is on our side!

Parent Consultations

As mentioned in my previous Blog, the Year Five teachers will be hosting two Parent Consultation Evenings the week after next.

Details and the opportunity for you to make appointments are winging their way to you in the form of an email with paper copies being distributed on Monday.

We look forward to meeting with you!

Worth a Mention Children Year Five

Huge congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention Children in Year Five!

It's nice to see other curricular subjects being represented this week. Well done one and all - what complete and utter stars you are!

So, that's it for our first ever Key Stage Two Blog! I am so hoping that everyone can find it without too much trouble. I hope you enjoyed reading what the Key Stage has been getting up to.
I will try to make sure that each Blog isn't such an epic but I'm not promising!
Have a good weekend and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week for more news, information and general showing-off!

Mrs Ray

(who had a wonderful time last Sunday (a school night - who'd have thought!) watching her teenage heartthrob Paul Young throwing some rather risky shapes at The Lighthouse in Poole. Well, he is 62 - he needs to be careful at his age!)
