Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
I hope you all had a fabulous half term and that those batteries I keep wittering on about have been recharged ready for the eight (yes, eight) week term ahead. Now, I better warn you in advance, this is an incredibly 'full' blog so may I suggest that you are sat comfortably and don't have anything urgent to attend to - I may be keeping you some time!
Year Six Reading Corner
Miss Enever and I (along with my daughter Elsie) were very busy bunnies last week as we were determined to get the Year Six Corridor looking lovely for you on your return from half term. I think you will agree that it looks rather super doesn't it?
One of my personal highlights is the new Reading Corner designed, created and constructed by our fabulous Miss Enever. It may have been a boring space next to the lift but now it's a lovely space where you can read to an adult or to simply enjoy.

You'll be pleased to know that the 'body' is about to be relocated - it does tend to distract doesn't it?
It was great to see the space being used on the first day back:
Year Six Corridor - a warning!
As you now know that the corridor took forever to sort out, please, please,please could you make sure you look after it?
You don't want your corridor to look like Year Five's do you?
Mind you, I did fold about 40 jumpers in Year Six - it was quite an epic task!
Loads of the sweatshirts were not named so how anyone was reunited with theirs I will never know!
Can you tell that I used to work for Next? I am definitely reaching Age Related Expectations (ARE) in folding aren't I?
Flu Vaccinations
There's nothing like a first day back from half term where you get a flu vaccine shoved up your nostril! The Year Five children were fabulous and took it all in their stride - well done Year Five!
Celebration Assemblies

I am delighted to announce that we have (finally) agreed on times for our Celebration Assemblies at the end of term (Friday 21st December).
Year Five's Celebration Assembly will be at 9.30am in the Hall.
Year Six's Celebration Assembly will be at 2pm, also in the Hall.
We anticipate the assemblies lasting for roughly an hour. We will send out more information nearer the time but I warn you now, bring along your pennies as there will (hopefully) be an opportunity to purchase the odd item or two.
Golden Time
There was a definite improvement this week - 277 children received their Golden Time which meant that 29 missed it. No-one in 5PC missed their Golden Time which was also the case in 6TH and 6IW - fantastic! There was a bit of confusion over the expectations for reading over half term but hopefully everyone is back on track now.
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all the children in both year groups who found themselves on their respective Worth a Mention Boards.
Firstly, Year Five...
...and now for Year Six:
The Year Six Gold Star goes this week to Mrs Winstanley as she was the first teacher to write up her chosen children! Here is the evidence...
Here is the star:
Well done Mrs Winstanley!
Children in Need
Dorchester Middle School will once again be supporting Children in Need this year. Official merchandise is on sale in the school shop during Monday and Friday break times. On the actual day itself - Friday 16th November - we will be raising money by encouraging children (and staff) to come to school in their Pyjamas/Onesies in exchange for £1.
Now, which onesie shall I wear?
Happy Halloween!
I hope that you all had an enjoyable Halloween and for those who went Trick or Treating on Wednesday night, you have managed to increase your sweetie stashes!
I thought I would enter into the spirit (!) of the event and donned a rather stylish piece of headgear for the majority of the day. I received quite a few looks of confusion until I pointed out what day it was! Mrs Scott said that I could recycle the outfit if I ever went to Ascot!
Mr Duffy on the other hand wasn't quite so enthusiastic about wearing his headgear which I thought was rather stylish!
I don't think the head gear was worn after this picture!
Seed Dispersal Homework
One of the recent homeworks that was set in Year Five asked the children to design their own plant with the emphasis on how it dispersed its seeds. The children of 5CW and 5AD brought the results of their hard work in this week and I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I was with the outcomes.
Absolutely brilliant, well done! Your imagination and creativity was a joy to behold.
Well, that's it for another week. I hope you have a good week next week and that the five days in school won't be too much of a shock!
I will look forward to seeing you back here next week where I am pretty sure there will be a lots to report back on!
Mrs Ray
(whose daughter's dreams finally came true when we welcomed these two rather adorable additions to our family on the last day of half term!)
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