Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
I hope you are all well and have had a good week? We have got back into the spirit of things following last week's four day week and are cracking on with our learning and being very productive in the process. The highlight of the week was, without doubt, our tribute to Remembrance Day. Seeing the children looking smart in their uniforms was an absolute joy and was a fitting tribute.
So, without further ado, on with the show!
Remembrance Day at DMS
To mark the centenary of the Armistice, Dorchester Middle School acknowledged this momentous occasion by running a series of events that were planned to give the children a sense of how important it is for us to remember those brave soldiers who have, over the years, lost their lives for our freedom.
Miss Hobern spent most of her half term creating these incredible displays.
So, on the Friday, the whole school acknowledged the two minute silence along with poignant readings and incredibly moving version of The Last Post on the bugle.
Representatives from each group, along with Mr Roberts and our Chair of Governors Mrs Dunne laid poppy wreaths by our very own Tommy. Mrs Pluck laid white flowers alongside a lit candle.
Mrs Ettling holding all the coats of the children who were in uniform whilst they were being photographed |
After the two minute silence, we all had the opportunity to look at the incredible work that the Year Eight pupils had created for a special exhibition in the Hall.
It certainly hooked everyone in and really made us think about the effect war has on us all, regardless. Thank you to everyone who was involved to make Friday such a special day. I was so proud of our school (even prouder than usual) for entering into the spirit of such an important event.
As you will know from recent correspondence in the Newsletter, we are working hard to make sure that all of our children are wearing the correct uniform at all times. In each of the classrooms, we now have the following signs on display so that the children know what the expectations are so that they are adhered to.
Uniform at DMS
As a school, we:
✔ Are very proud of our school and of our pupils.
✔ Believe that high standards of uniform, behaviour, being properly
equipped and attending regularly give each and every one of our pupils the very
best chance of learning well and achieving their very best.
✔ Feel consistency is a critical
thing to try and achieve for all of our pupils.
✔ Will be carrying out uniform
checks regularly.
School skirts:
Reasonable length.
Shorter than 5cm above the knee.
Dark grey if newly purchased.
School trousers:
Traditional style.
✖ Leggings, jean like trousers or tight fitting.
✔Dark grey if newly purchased.
✔ Dark grey or black.
✔ Ankle or knee length.
✖ Trainer
Plain black.
✔ A flat, plain ring.
✔ One pair of
small, plain stud earrings.
✔ A watch.
Other items (e.g.: necklace/chain, bracelet, anklet).
Make up:
(Will be asked to remove).
Nail varnish:
✖(Will be asked to remove).
I have to say that, on the whole, Year Five in particular are an excellent example to the rest of the school. Year Six isn't too bad but there is the occasional uniform violation that usually has a logical and understandable reason behind it. Please remember that if, for whatever reason, school shoes are not being worn, please put an explanatory note in the Home/School Diary.
Golden Time
Just to remind you of what the expectations are so that the children earn their Golden Time every Wednesday...
This week, 26 children in total missed their Golden Time. The main reason was the fact that Home/School Diaries hadn't signed for the previous week. It might be worth checking through the Golden Time criteria on a Monday night to make sure that everything has been covered?
Worth a Mention Children
Massive congratulations to ALL of the children who have received a mention on our Worth a Mention Boards this week. I am loving the fact that many of the children have been chosen due to their success at being voted as the class Pupil Voice Representatives.
Gold Star of the week in Year Six goes to Mr Weir as he was the first person to write his names on the board.

Year Five, on the other hand, had their names written up on the board on Thursday night as this is what greeted me on Friday morning...
A HUGE 'Well Done' to ALL of the children who are mentioned on the boards from each year group.
Maths Sets
In recent weeks, the Maths Department have been assessing the children so that they are placed in the most appropriate Maths Sets. As a result of this, there will be a few minor changes in the sets which will come into force in the next few days. Year Six children will be moving on Wednesday and Year Five children the following Monday. We are also extremely fortunate to be able to create an additional Maths Set in 6P.
A letter explaining the moves will be distributed next week and those children who are moving will told by their current Maths Teachers,
Children in Need
Please don't forget that next Friday sees the school supporting the BBC Children in Need campaign by wearing our onesies/pyjamas to school for the day for the bargain price of £1.
Personally, I cannot wait to pick up my 11 year old daughter from school in my cow onesie. I'll let you know how that one pans out!
We will also be running a Cake Stall during the Friday break time. Any donation of cakes homemade and/or purchased will be extremely welcome, especially as we can really maximize the amount of money that we raise for this excellent and worthwhile charity.
A text will be going out on Monday to request donations...
We love a cake sale at DMS don't we?
Lunchtimes - another option
When I was at school (a zillion years ago) I absolutely hated playtime, especially the long lunch break. I hated being made to go outside and to try and socialise with people who loved being in the great outdoors. I had no option but to reluctantly shove my coat on and spend a very shivery (and sometimes lonely) playtime wishing I was somewhere else.
Ms Grassy, our Key Stage Two Learning Mentor, has recognised this for a few of our children and now offers a lunch time 'Chill Out' zone three times a week. This will be in addition to the provisions we already have in place (The Hub, Library etc.) so please do feel free to use this facility after all, it is for you!
Well, that's it for another week.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Don't forget to tune in next week to see what we got up to on Children in Need day amongst the usual reports of the comings and goings of the wonderful children in Key Stage Two.
Mrs Ray
(who went 'out, out' on a school night this Thursday to see the fabulous Phill Jupitus and came away with this rather fabulous souvenir!)
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