
Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!

Now, before I launch into the comings and goings of Key Stage Two, I am going to warn you now that this week's offering is quite an epic! Honestly, it like it's the week before we break up for Christmas or something! I think it's been one of the most exhausting weeks I have experienced but the children have had a ball and that's what it's all about.

Right, enough ramblings from the Ray - here we go...

Carol Service

Tuesday's Carol Service double was an absolute treat as Year Five sang like heavenly angels and yes, I did cry during the song 'One Bright Star'! I was so proud of the children and was really impressed with the brave souls who took solo parts.

A huge 'thank you' to all of the children who took part, especially those who took part in both services - you must have been exhausted but you didn't stop smiling!

Carol Concert next week

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Hopefully, you have all received the letter about next week's Carol Concert where we are hoping to, for the last time, perform the whole of One Bright Star in its entirety. If you didn't get a letter, please let the office know as soon as possible.
It would be brilliant if as many of the Year Five children could come as possible so that our lovely audience can experience the full Year Five Experience.
You never know, I might get to use my Mary costume yet but please don't let that put you off!


This week, we welcomed West End In Schools productions with their version of Beauty and the Beast. To mark this lovley event, Miss Hobern has been busy again - look what we discovered in the Foyer on Monday morning...

It was quite a shock, I can tell you! To be honest, they still make me jump every time I see them, especially first thing in the morning when there is no-one else in the school - I feel like I am being watched!

Anyway, a lot of children really did embrace the 'panto' theme as you can see from the following pictures!

Aren't they brilliant? Well done to the brave souls who embraced the theme and who looked amazing in the process!

Christmas Jumper Day

I have to say, I love this now annual event. Not only do we see what every one's Christmas Jumper looks like, we also raise money for a super charity - Save the Children.

The staff got into the Christmas spirit (not literally) as well...

Miss Dearden doesn't have a Christmas Jumper (yet!) but she does have a singing Santa Hat that frightened poor Dexter the Dog causing a lot of barking and jumping! 

So far, we have raised a rather impressive £441! Thank you to everyone who donated and if you forgot to bring in your money, don't panic, you can give it to Mrs Scott on Monday. 

Worth a Mention Children

You know me, I am always proud of our children but those who are chosen for the Worth a Mention Boards are particularly special. These children, for one reason  another, stood out from the crowd to the point where a member of staff deemed them to be mentioned in a public forum.

Let's start with the Year Six Superstars...

Now for the Year Five Superstars...

Well done one and all!

Golden Time

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The good news is that 264 children earned their Golden Time this week.

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The bad news is that 26 Year Five and 15 Year Six children missed their Golden Time. That's 41 in total and 13% of the Key Stage.

How about one of your New Year's Resolutions being to make sure you get super organised so that you can earn your Golden Time in 2019?

Go on, you know you want to!

Little People Christmas Decorations

We have been extremely fortunate to receive a delivery of these beautiful, hand knitted Christmas Decorations from one of our talented and creative parents.

They cost £1.50 each and will be on sale in the Year Five Corridor every day next week and at the two Celebration Assemblies. The money that we raise will go towards Year Five as we have got a rather exciting trip planed for next year that we will share with you in the new year.

Next Week...

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The main event (some would argue THE main event!) of the week - if not year - will be the Year Five and Six Celebration Assemblies.

Just to remind you that Year Five's is at 9.15am and Year Six's is at 2pm.

Both should last for approximately an hour but please be prepared in case they run over as we have A LOT to celebrate.

Please do make sure that you sign in at Reception before you are escorted to the Hall by our super duper volunteers.

So, that's it for another week. Next week's Blog will be the last one of the year and will be full of Christmassy Cheer and celebrating children!

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs Ray

(who had forgoten how comfortable and warm her Christmas Jumper is!)
