Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Do you remember last week I said that it was the most hectic week ever? Well, scrub that! THIS week was even busier - who'd have thought? We have been cracking on with the old learning and making super duper progress as a result.
Due to the busy-ness of the week, there was very little time to take pictures but Miss Enever has, yet again, come to my rescue so there is plenty to share!
Hopefully you have received the texts to tell you when this term's Celebration Assemblies are. If not, here are the dates:
Year Five:
Monday 11th February at 2.05pm (as part of the usual assembly slot). It will run for around 20 minutes.
Friday 5th April at 9.15am. This will run for approximately an hour.
Year Six:
Monday 25th March at 2.05pm (as part of the usual assembly slot) this will also run for around 20 minutes.
Thursday 4th April at 9.15am - this will also run for approximately an hour.
Hopefully, we have given you sufficient notice so that you are, hopefully, able to attend.
Frog Shot
Kevin the (passive/aggressive) Frog has also had a busy week! He's been flung round here, there and everywhere and has had a really positive impact on the children, especially when it comes to questioning.
Unfortunately, I got rather over-confident when throwing him to a specific child and the poor frog got caught on the classroom washing line...
Are you missing anything?
Since the Christmas Holidays, when Miss Enever and I mucked out the Key Stage Two Cloakrooms, we have been on a mission to keep everything tidy and ship shape.
This is the Year Six un-named lost property gathered in since the Christmas Holidays:
This is Year Five's contribution:
If your things are not named then it is nigh on impossible to even attempt to return property to you!
Who were we kidding?
From the evidence?
Ourselves mostly
Golden Time
Well, I am happy to report a big improvement on the whole Golden Time situation! In total, 21 children in Key Stage Two missed their Golden Time which is much better than last week so well done one and all!
Again, the main issue seems to be Homework, especially in Year Six.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is lots of help available in school to support with Homework but we cannot physically force you to go - it has to come from you, the pupil.
Fingers crossed that more children earn their Golden Time next week - you know you want to!
Story Writing Drop Down Afternoon
On Wednesday, the whole school came off timetable so that they could have a go at entering a variety of writing competitions that have come our way. This included Radio Two's 500 Words along with a couple of DASP (Dorchester Area Schools Partnership) orientated competitions based on travel.
Here are a few of the photographs of the afternoon, courtesy of Miss Enever...
I can feel the concentration oozing from the photographs, can't you?!
If the stories weren't completed by the end of the afternoon, don't panic, there is still time to get them finished and hand them in to Mr Baker in the Library. Check the deadline dates with your Homebase Tutor.
Worth a Mention Children
As always, mahoosive congratulations to the variety of children who found their names on the Worth a Mention Boards this week.
Let's start with Year Five this week:
I have to say, Mrs Daniel's drawings of her WaM children are rather good - it's almost (and I mean almost) like she has put up the children's actual photographs!
Now it's the turn of Year Six:
I really do the love the variety of lessons and the fact that the Story Writing Afternoon contributed towards specific children being chosen for the boards.
Well done everyone! I am, as always, extremely proud of you all!
So, that's it for another week!
I hope everyone has a cracking week and that the weekend provided a well deserved rest and chance to re-charge our very used batteries!
See you back here next week!
Mrs Ray
(who is about to embark on her longest distance yet during Sunday's Stonehenge Stomp - 20km. Gulp!)

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