Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Well, what an end to the week - I wasn't quite expecting an extra day were you? Whatever you did with your bonus day, I hope that you had a good day and that you were wrapped up nice and warm. I think 'snuggling' is the best thing to do in adverse weather conditions! I know my bunnies were very snuggled in their hutch and were most put out when I fed them as I was clearly 'in the way'. They still ate their food though. Watching them out on the snow was very, very entertaining but they soon worked out that they weren't big fans of snow and soon made their way back into their cosy hutch!
As a result of our 'Snow Day' there are no Worth a Mention Children to report this week so I guess it's a rollover week? However, I still have lots to report so I'll crack on...
Who's who?
One of my school chums had a great idea about a regular feature that we can do on the Blog every week - to feature one of the Key Stage Two team so you get to know more about the actual person than the teacher.
Our first 'victim' is our totally gorgeous Mr Haigh. Not only is he a brilliant teacher, he is also a DMS parent as his two girls attend our school.
Here is what Mr Haigh likes doing in his precious spare time:
My current hobbies: Craft beer brewing (oh, the alchemy involved!); charcuterie or home curing (so far…streaky and back bacon, salt beef and pastrami, and chorizo…mmmm) ; and finally veg growing, the hardest of my three hobbies – corn, potatoes, leeks, squash, onions = good. Garlic, strawberries,French beans, chillies = hmmm.
Blimey Mr Haigh, that's a very impressive set of hobbies - you can't go wrong with the human basics - eating and drinking! I'm loving the idea of Craft Beer being produced in Dorchester - it's good to see the spirit (!) of Eldridge Pope is alive and well!
Thank you Mr Haigh for being the first teacher to be profiled on here - you will be a hard act to follow!
Brilliant Bruno
This very talented young man has been very busy designing and creating his very own amp!
It looks incredible doesn't it? It is so well designed and made. Bruno can tell you exactly how it works and although it won't service Wembley Arena, the power that it does provide is sufficient for Bruno's use.
Well done young man!
Now that's how you do it!
Mrs Daniel brought in this young man as she was very, very proud of the writing that he had just produced in his English lesson. In 5MW, we were about embark on this very task so his timing couldn't have been better!
Ryan read it out to us so we now have something to aspire towards.
Drought Alert!
One extreme to the other eh? In our History lesson this week, 5MW were given lots of different roles based on who would be affected if the River Nile was to dry up. The children were fabulous and really took on the roles they were given.
We had a cracking debate - well done 5MW!
Year Five Parent Consultations
Hopefully, you have received the letter inviting you to attend our next Parent Consultation Evenings which are due to be held on the 25th and 27th February.
These are subject based consultations with the emphasis on English and Maths. You will be able to start making appointments from Monday (hopefully, if we don't get any more snow).
It is different to the last set of consultations in the respect that the children need to hand the appointment slips to their English and Maths teacher who make the appointment, hand it back to your child who will then (again, hopefully) hand it back to you.
Fingers crossed that the system works!
Golden Time
Huge congratulations to everyone who earned their Golden Time. A small handful of Key Stage Two children (just 16) missed it this week which is a HUGE improvement so well done everyone for such a sterling effort!
Who knows, next week EVERYONE might get their Golden Time. Watch this space...
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a cracking weekend and that you stay nice and warm unlike my run last week that was positively arctic!
I look forward to seeing you back here next week!
Take care everyone!
Mrs Ray
(who has just about recovered from 'running' 20km and who is getting ready for this weekend's adventure which is the London Winter Run 10km with Miss Clements and another friend, Julia. Pictures will be provided next week!)
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Stonehenge Stomp 20km - tick! |
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