Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
We did it! We made it through and are now half way through the Spring Term. It was a relatively short term but you can't accuse Key Stage Two of having a quiet time can you? If you just flick through the previous Blogs, there is no doubting of our ability to have a good time!
Although we only had a four day week, we were still able to, quite literally, cram it all in so let's have a look at what the children (and adults) have got up to...
Celebration Assembly Time
It was lovely to see so many of you at the Year Five Celebration Assembly on Monday. Despite it being a relatively short assembly quite close to the beginning of the term, I was so impressed with how many children managed to earn stripes already!
I totally forgot to bring my camera into the assembly as I had been on duty over lunch time so HUGE apologies for that. I will make it up to you when I see you again on the 5th April.
Happy sewing!
Teacher of the Week
Last week, I profiled the legend that is Mr Duffy, so this week it is the turn of Miss Randall who is one of the terrific Year Six Tutors. 6NR are a lovely class and when you meet Miss Randall, you see why!
Miss Randall is a big fan of gardening and has recently taken on the challenge of an allotment. She is a regular Gym Bunny (along with her good friend Mrs Daniel!), loves racket sports and likes to attempt to whack golf balls. She is part of a big, vibrant family and she loves seeing them and her friends. Walking is another favourite past time (but never ask her for directions) and she likes to unwind with the odd glass of wine or two before she falls asleep on the sofa!
A woman after my own heart!
Year Six Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to the Worth a Mention Children in Year Six this week. A spectacular range of reasons which are a joy to read - well done one and all!
Miss Enever said that it was lovely to watch the children spot their names on the board! You are all superstars!
Cake Sale
The entrepreneurial children I told you about last week did a terrific job with their Cake Sale on Monday. Thank you for supporting the girls - you helped them raise an impressive £109.10 which will go to the Weldmar Hospice.
The cakes were amazing and the customer service was excellent.
Well done ladies - I am so impressed and proud of you!
Charles Darwin Day
On Tuesday, the whole school went off timetable from Lesson 3 in order to take part in our first ever Darwin Day. The children in Key Stage Two had a fantastic time and learnt a lot about Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
They participated in a range of interesting and well structured activities. Miss Enever was our intrepid photographer and captured the essence of the Key Stage Two experience perfectly!
Year Five
Year Six
The small pieces of pieces of paper that you see the children drawing on have been put on display around the school and look amazing.
Thank you Key Stage Two for really embracing the day and for producing such fabulous work!
Year Five Parent Consultation Evenings
Hopefully, you have been able to make appointments to see your child's English and Maths Teachers. I know that a few of the teachers are fully booked with no spare appointments to offer over the designated sessions.
If you have been unable to book an appointment then it is worth getting in touch with the relevant teachers in case there are any spaces.
DMS Well Being Week
As mentioned in the previous Blog, the week commencing 4th March sees our first ever DMS Well Being Week. Dorset MIND will be coming into school and running assemblies with the Key Stages first thing on the Monday morning and then they will be leading workshops with individual classes over two days (Monday and Tuesday).
Our Well Being Week will conclude with the opportunity to join members of staff at the Weymouth Parkrun on the 9th March.
Further details, along with the content of the week, will be winging its way to you in a letter when we return to school.
World Book Day
Just a 'heads up' to let you know that we will be fully embracing World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. As per usual, we will be encouraging the children (and staff!) to dress up as one of their favourite book characters. Lots of activities are also being organised for the day.
Now, what shall I wear...?
Eyes down!
The PTFA's first fundraising event will be a Family Bingo Night held in the Drama Hall on Friday 8th March. Doors open at 5.45pm and Eyes Down will commence from 6.15pm. Letters will be coming home at the beginning of week that we come back from half term to give you further information.
Don't miss out on a fun evening that will also raise vital funds for our school.
Well, that's it for this week. In fact, that's it for the next two weeks as I will be having a 'Blog Break' over the next few days.
I hope you all have a super half term and have the opportunity to recharge the batteries - you all deserve a break!
I will see you back here in TWO weeks!
Mrs Ray
(who ran last Saturday's Parkrun in Blandford with a very special visitor - Pippa from Year Eight. She only went and got herself a Personal Best! Go Pippa!)
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This was from this morning's 23km (yes, 23km!) run. 'Tired' doesn't cover it! |
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