Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Another week under our belts and what a great way to end it, with a fabulous disco courtesy of our rather brilliant PTFA! More of that later. As for the rest of the week, it was busy, fun and very productive as far as the learning in our fabulous Key Stage was concerned.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then here goes...
It was absolutely brilliant to see so many of you at Friday night’s Disco. You all looked gorgeous and, from what I could see, you were having so much fun!
Here are a few pictures of the evening for you to get an idea of what the children got up to behind closed doors...
A massive thank you to all the members of the PTFA who pulled together such an excellent event and for the parents who kindly gave up an hour (and the use of their eardrums!) to help sell lots of goodies.
I also wanted to thank all the patient parents when it came to collection time - it was greatly appreciated!
Odd Socks
Did you know that on Thursday it was World Downs Syndrome Day? To be honest, I didn't BUT there were several members of Key Stage Two who were secretly wearing odd socks to mark the occasion.
Matilda and Mr Haigh were certainly 'on message' weren't they?
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all the children who found their names on this week's Worth a Mention Boards. Let's start with Year Six:
Now it's the turn of the Year Five children:
Well done one and all - I am so impressed with the reasons why you have been chosen - cracking!
Ancient Egypt Day
The day has finally arrived, Ancient Egypt Day will be upon this Monday and what a great day we have lined up for you!
I can't wait to see the outfits!
Busy, busy 5PC
Lots of lovely displays have been appearing throughout the Key Stage but the latest in one in Year Five, courtesy of Mrs Cook's class is a stunner! We are all rather jealous of it. Trying to summarize the story of Beowulf and Grendel is just 100 words was really hard wasn't it?
Well done 5PC.
Year Six Mother's Day Assembly
We are looking forward to seeing some of the ladies in the lives of the Year Six children on Monday. If you can make it, please remember to sign in at Reception before you go to the Hall.
If you are unable to make it, please be assured that you will not be forgotten. At the risk of sounding cryptic, there will be something for everyone, literally!
Cake Sale Final Total
I reported a couple of weeks ago that the Cake Sale that was organised for Comic Relief raised £200. In fact, they raised £237 which is incredible. As a school, we raised the grand total of £600 which is stunning!
A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported Comic Relief - you are awesome!
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you have a super week and I will look forward to seeing some of the Year Six Ladies on Monday. I also hope that you enjoyed the glorious sunshine on Sunday - it was wonderful wasn't it?
See you back here next week!
Mrs Ray
(who made the most of the sunshine and took part in the Studland 10km. It was stunning which is the opposite to my running!)
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