Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
I know I say it every week but this really has been the busiest one so far! As a result of this, the Blog this week is MEGA! A massive thank you to Miss Enever who took the majority of pictures in this Blog. In fact, if it wasn't for Miss Enever, the photographic content of these blogs would be patchy to say the least!
I have got soooooooooo much to share with you so I'm going to crack on with it!
DMS Wellbeing Week
A huge thank you to everyone that participated in our first ever Wellbeing Week. I hope that it was a positive and helpful week for everyone and that you now have the knowledge of what constitutes mental health and how you can look after yours as well as supporting the people around us.
The assembly and workshops, that were run by Dorset Mind, were incredibly informative. Here are a few action shots for you...
We even had a visit from The Dorset Echo! Here is Anna Powney (from Dorset Mind) and me with Alex, one of their journalists.
This is the picture that we had taken for The Dorset Echo so this could be a bit of an exclusive!
This is very much the beginning of looking after our well-being. Miss Clements and I have plans so be prepared!
World Book Day
As usual, the most fantastic costumes came through the door on Thursday! Staff and pupils alike shared a cracking range of costumes and fun was had by all.
I had a visit from Captian Hook who looked very similar to one of the characters that I had created for my story based on Beowulf!
(I had to lend him my Little Red Riding Hood cape for the full effect).
Meanwhile, in the rest of the Key Stage...
The 'Drop Down' session was also a huge success with a variety of activities in each of the classrooms.
This is 5KD creating blackout poetry - how intriguing!
Classroom Monitors
When I came in on Monday morning, I couldn't resist taking a picture of what I saw on the board! What diligent monitors!
How are the other monitors doing?
Are they as efficient and persistent like the ones in 5MW?
Are they as efficient and persistent like the ones in 5MW?
Thank you to everyone who supported our new PTFA's first event - it was definitely Bingo-tastic! I didn't realise that it was taken so seriously! However, it was such a fun evening - the cakes were delicious, the company was famtastic and the Bingo Caller (Mr Murray) was superb!
It was a terrific start to a series of fundraising events - well done one and all!
It was a rather nervous Miss Clements and I who rocked up to the Pirate Golf area on Saturday morning, hoping that we wouldn't be Billy No Mates when it came to participating in the Weymouth Parkrun.
Well, we didn't need to worry as over 40 members of our DMS Community came along and kept us company!
Here are a few of Miss Clement's action shots...
We are so proud of all the parents, friends and children who took part. To be honest, I felt a little emotional seeing you all!
Here is our official finishers picture...
If you went before you could get your Parkrun stripe then please do come and find me on Monday as I will have them with me.
Thank you everyone! I hope your legs aren't too sore? Maybe we could do it again in a few weeks? Watch this space!
Worth a Mention Children
Massive congratulations to all of the wonderful children (and there are many of you this week!) who made it onto this week's boards.
Starting with Year Five:
...and now for Year Six.
Well done everyone - you are brilliant and I am very proud of you all!
Red Nose Day

Please don't forget that we will be supporting Comic Relief this year by, for the bargain price of £1, substituting an item of our uniform for something that is red. Red noses are welcomed/encouraged! There will also be a cake sale and all donation will be gratefully received. It would be great if we could raise over £500 for this fabulous charity.
Well, (finally!) that's it for this week. I had loads more to share with you but it will have to wait until next week. We all have lives! Have a good week and I'll see you back here next weekend for more fun and games!
Mrs Ray
(who absolutely loved Saturday's Parkrun - it was definitely one of the highlights of my week and there were several to choose from!)
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