Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Following a very hectic week last week, we managed to have a busy yet slightly calmer time, honest! Our Wellbeing Week was a really positive week for us all and I hope that there weren't too many sore legs after the Parkrun last Saturday.
In order to identify children for the 1:1 sessions with Dorset Mind, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires should have come home last week. This will help us identify the children that we can select so please return the completed forms to school by Friday 22nd March. Thank you!
We have got a lot coming up this week (well, right up to the Easter holidays) so, without further a do, I shall crack on!
Red Nose Day
You really are THE best fundraisers aren't you? Friday's Red Nose Day was so well supported by the whole school raising £352 from the 'wear something red' and just under £200 from the cake sale!
A HUGE well done and thank you to William and Emily for organising such an incredibly successful event and to everyone who made, donated and bought the delicious cakes.
We also saw some great interpretations of wearing something red, including the official Comic Relief merchandise.
You are awesome!
If you go down to the woods (this Sunday)

The lovely Lola in 6MP and her family are doing a sponsored three-legged race through Thorncombe Woods in aid of Comic Relief this Sunday from 3pm - 5pm. Please do join them or sponsor Lola, I believe they are going to do a whole 1km which is going to be challenging to say the least!
Good luck Team Hyde!
Worth a Mention Children
Huge Congratulations to all the children who have been handpicked by their teachers to be this week's Worth a Mention Children.
Let's start with Year Five:
Now for Year Six:
Not only are you fabulous students, you are also fabulous citizens.
Well done one and all!
Marvellous Mums

On Monday 25th March, Year Six are holding an assembly to say a big 'thank you' to their Mums and to celebrate the wonderful things Mums do for us (even when we are in our forties!).
The assembly will be held in the Hall from 2.05pm - 2.25pm and will involve music and readings.
Please remember to sign in as usual.
You might want to bring your tissues!
Year Five Ancient Egypt Day

So, the date has been set, Monday 25th March is the day when Year Five will come off timetable for the day and learn lots about Ancient Egypt by participating in a variety of activities throughout the day.
The end of the day will culminate in a Fashion Parade in the Hall where a very special guest judge will award prizes for the best costumes.
I can't wait!
MND Fundraising

Hopefully, you would have received the letter about the various activities that are taking place in school at the beginning of April to support this incredible charity.
Some of our Year Five pupils will be helping to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease in
April. They will make a presentation to other pupils during the SMSC assemblies on
Monday, 1st April.
On Thursday, 4th April they will be undertaking a sponsored silence.
They will have whiteboards so that they are still able to communicate and respond in class.
On Friday, 5th April, we will be holding a themed non-uniform day. Children and staff are
invited to wear something blue,orange and white, which are the Motor Neurone Disease
colours, in exchange for a £1 donation.
Celebration Assemblies
Just a quick reminder that our Celebration Assemblies will be held on the last two days of the Spring Term:
Year Six will hold their Celebration Assembly on Thursday 4th April at 9.15am
Year Five will hold their Celebration Assembly on Friday 5th April, also at 9.15am
The venue for both assemblies will be the Drama Hall.
Fabulous Football

On Wednesday, a Year Five team of intrepid footballers made their way to Sunninghill Prep School for a match.
The following words are from Mr Roberts:
It was an audacious
Year 5 DMS team that took on the strength of Sunninghill Preparatory School
home on Wednesday afternoon.
George C was a
'complete player'with raw skills and consummate enterprise.He ghosted through
the Sunninghill defenders,scoring a well earned hat trick with ease.
Bradley W was in fine
form,completely in control of his game,full of vigour and confidence.
The DMS effort was
undeniable and the result very agreeable.
Thanks goes to Jane
Klein as Caretaker Manager.
Well done boys!
Drew 4-4
PTFA Disco - Friday

After the incredibly successful Family Bingo Night last week, the PTFA are hosting their very first Disco! All the tickets have now been sold which is fabulous - thank you to everyone who has bought a ticket. There will be goodies for sale on the evening so please do bring a little bit of money with you - you'll be pleased that you had.
I shall look forward to seeing you getting down on the dance floor on Friday!
Well, that's it for this week! I hope you all have a good weekend and that you don't get too blown away - I know my car door nearly came off this afternoon when I was picking up Elsie's friend but to be fair, she does live on the top of a hill!
See you next week or I may even see a few of you when collecting your children from the Disco. I will try and avoid the temptation of wearing my sparkly hot pants and platform heels!
Mrs Ray
(who did the Blandford Parkrun all on her lonesome this week. It wasn't the same without you!)
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