Yes, yes, I know I say it every single week but we really, truly have had a busy week and by the looks of things, it's not going to get any calmer! Next week we have the school production of The Lion King, the Year Five and Year Six Celebration Assemblies along with a Non Uniform Day, cakes and a sponsored silence and those are the things I can just think of off the top of my head!
A HUGE thank you to all the parents who lovingly helped the children get their fabulous costumes sorted out for Monday and to the relatives who could make it to our Mother's Day Assembly later on in the day.
Ancient Egypt Day
Well, what a super day! I hope you all had fun in your costumes and found out a lot more about this incredible period of history. From writing your name in hieroglyphs to building your own pyramid or creating an Egyptian Necklace, you certainly had the opportunity to make some amazing things. Many, many thanks to the terrific Year Five Team for providing the children with such an excellent day.

The day culminated in a fashion parade where all the children were able to show off their costumes along with things that they had made during the day. Miss Dearden and Mrs Rouse were the judges and had a very tough job indeed!
Well done for everyone who participated in the day - it looks as though you had a lot of fun!
Year Six Mother's Day Assembly
Whilst the Year Five children were fully immersed in their Ancient Egypt Day, the Year Six children held a Mother's Day Assembly in the Hall.
We listened to excellent music courtesy of Thea, Mia and Bruno, we listened to great readings courtesy of Matilda, James and Olivia and sobbed and giggled our way through the 'flash mob style' sharing of what our mothers mean to us.
I am hoping that you all received your daffodil in one piece on Monday afternoon? I had a few strange looks when I bought 160 daffodils on Sunday, I can tell you!
Thank you to everyone who could attend and please be assured that all our Mums and the fabulous women in our lives were in our thoughts.
Netball Superstars
Huge congratulations to our super duper Year Six netballers for such a stirling performance when you played Area High Five Netball last Thursday at Budmouth.
I am so pleased that my contribution (millionaire shortbread squares) were a hit! I hope the sugar rush was as contained as it could be!
PE Champions
Sticking to all things PE, the pink cards are being presented left, right and centre which is brilliant. Here are four of our Year Six Sporting Stars who have made excellent contributions to this important subject.
Year Five Assembly
I realised with horror and abandon that I didn't mention our fabulous brass players in the previous Blog! Shame on me! We had a terrific assembly courtesy of these fine musicians:
Please do come and play again, you were brilliant - I was so impressed with you all!
Celebration Assemblies - a reminder
Just to remind you that next week we are holding our Key Stage Two Celebration Assemblies.
Year Six have their assembly on Thursday and Year Five have theirs on the Friday.
Each assembly should last approximately an hour.
For further details, please look at the previous Blogs.
Please could you remind the children to get their credits signed in their Home/School Diaries? Their credits do not count unless they have been signed...
Worth a Mention Children
Massive congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention children.
Let's start with Year Five:
Now for Year Six:
Well done one and all!
School Production

Next week sees the school drama club's production of 'The Lion King' and I for one cannot wait!
I will be there on Tuesday serving refreshments with my partner in crime, Ms Wood, on behalf of the PTFA.
In one of our recent assemblies, we were given a sneak preview...
I think that tickets may still be available so do come along, I don't think you'll be disappointed!
Uniform Check - Advance Warning
Whilst the majority of the children in Key Stage Two are well turned out as far as their uniform is concerned, we have noticed that there have been a bit of a slip in standards. Lots of missing ties, trainer socks are starting to creep back in, incorrect footwear and there have been quite a few growth spurts especially when spying the length of a few of the girl's skirts!
Mrs Ettling and I will be holding a uniform check at the beginning of the Summer Term.
Forewarned is forearmed, right?
Fundraising Heroes
Huge congratulations to Lola and her friends for raising over £500 for Comic Relief by completing their three-legged walk in Thorncombe Woods. What an amazing result!
Well, that's it for this week.
I hope you all have a terrific week and enjoy the final week before we break up on Friday!
I'll see a few of you at the Celebration Assemblies at the end of the week.
Mrs Ray
(who had to put on a picture of her super-cute bunnies. Well, it is nearly Easter after all!)
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