Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
We did it! We made it to the end of term relatively unscathed! Why is is that the shorter terms always feel so long? Craziness! Despite the shortness of the term, I think I can safely say that we were all ready for the holiday weren't we? Now it has arrived, I hope that you all have a good couple of weeks off and enjoy some lovely time together.
Lots to report so off we go!
MND Association
Willow in Year Five, along with her friends Megan and Caitlin have been raising both and awareness of Motor Neurone Disease, a hideous disease that has had sadly, touched the lives of Willow's family. Along with her friends and family, Willow has been fundraising for the MND Association in school this week.
We started the week with Willow and her friends presenting the Year Five children with an assembly that they wrote and delivered all by themselves. This was incredibly informative and not only told the children what MND was but also outlined the week ahead.
The girls held a 24 hour sponsored silence on Thursday and then a cake sale on the Friday along with a non uniform day.
An amazing total of £622 has been raised so far for MND - £496 from the non-uniform day and £126 for the cake sale. That's amazing and that is without the money for the sponsored silence! I'll let you know the grand total at the beginning of next term.
Well done girls - what an incredible achievement!
Year Six Celebration Assembly
A HUGE Thank You to everyone who came to our Year Six Assembly on Thursday morning. It was a fabulous assembly and I was so proud of all the children who stood up for their stripes, played a musical instrument, received certificates and read about the highlights of their term!
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the responsibility of the microphone and am rather relieved that I didn't damage any children with my silly pointy shoes!
You did a great job Year Six - thank you!
Year Five Celebration Assembly
It was lovely to see all the smiley faces of the Year Five children on Friday morning as they received their well-earned stripes. I thoroughly enjoyed the musical interludes, the dances, the revisiting of events from the half term, the awards and the all round happiness and joy!
A HUGE well done to everyone who took part - it was lovley to be part of the assembly. Thank you Mrs Ettling - it was an excellent assembly and a super way to end the term.
The Lion King
On Tuesday night I sobbed my way through the opening night of the Drama Club's version of The Lion King. It was just brilliant. Everything was a joy to watch from start to finish. I know I say it every year but I really do think it was one of the best productions the school has ever seen.
Mr Haigh's lighting was fabulous! |
How on earth are you going to top this next year?
Thank you to everyone who supported the PTFA by buying refreshments and raffle tickets. Over the three nights, we raised an impressive £330.70 which is fabulous.
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all of this week's Worth a Mention Children!
Here are the WaMs for Year Six:
Now it's the turn of Year Five:
It's lovely to see so many of the children involved in The Lion King getting a mention this week. Looking at all the reasons behind the teacher's choices, I am so proud of the way that so many of the children get 'stuck in' to our school community - thank you!
It'll be a 'hoot, hoot'
The cat is out of the bag! As a reward for all their hard work towards their tests, we are planning to take the Year Six children to Paulton's Park on the last day of the SATs Week (Friday 17th May). Letters about the trip will be coming out the first week we come back and will include cost, itinerary etc.
If you have Dorchester Middle School DBS check then we will be asking if you are available to accompany us. Please be aware that we can only take Parent Helpers who have a validated DMS DBS check in place.
It's all rather exciting isn't it?
Uniform Check - first day back.

As mentioned in last week's Blog, Mrs Ettling and I will be carrying out a Uniform Check on the first day back. In Key Stage Two, uniform isn't too bad although we do seem to have quite a few errant ties and shrinking skirts!
To remind you of the current requirements for uniform:
Boys and Girls:
- Light blue shirt
- Dorchester Middle School tie
- Blue v-necked school sweatshirt
- Black shoes – all black (no sports logos, no trainers. During winter time only, boots may be worn under trousers so long as they cannot be seen. Sandals may be worn with socks during the Summer term)Boys:
- Smart dark grey school trousers or smart knee length, dark grey school shorts (no ‘fashion look’ trousers, including skinny trousers or ‘jean like’ trousers. See Manikins in the school reception for an example)
- Grey/black ankle socks or knee length socks (no running or training socks)Girls:
- Dark grey school skirt of an appropriate length / smart dark grey school trousers or smart knee length, dark grey school shorts (no ‘fashion look’ trousers, including skinny trousers or ‘jean like’ trousers. See Manikins in the school reception for an example)
- Dark grey tights (thick) or dark grey/ black socks (no running or training socks)
- In the summer: a dress in light blue/white gingham or light blue/white stripes. Summer Uniform can be worn in the summer term and until the end of September.
Please note that trainer socks are NOT permitted and that skirts/trousers should be dark grey.
Well, that's it for this week and the next couple of weeks as I will having a bit of a 'blog break'.
I just want to take this opportunity to say a very big 'Thank You' to the Key Stage Two Team for their hard work and dedication. They are all incredible human beings and I am extremely lucky to work with them. I hope they have a good couple of weeks and get to recharge those very used batteries of theirs!
I just want to take this opportunity to say a very big 'Thank You' to the Key Stage Two Team for their hard work and dedication. They are all incredible human beings and I am extremely lucky to work with them. I hope they have a good couple of weeks and get to recharge those very used batteries of theirs!
Anyway, I hope you all have a terrific holiday and enjoy the time off. May the sun shine and chocolate flow!
See you at the end of April!
Mrs Ray
(who started her holiday with a Seare Family get together in Hampshire - this isn't even the whole clan!)
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