Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
I hope you all had a super Easter holiday and that everyone has returned to the new term refreshed and ready and raring to go.
This is, without doubt, the busiest term of the academic year for me. Not only do we start to look to at welcoming the current Year Four children into the fold but we also start to sort out the other transitions in the school e.g. Year Five to Year Six and Year Six into Key Stage Three. We will also be taking part in trips along with the Year Six residential to Barton Hall, complete various assessments (Year Six will so know what I mean on that one!) along with all the learning that takes place as a matter of course throughout the school. That's just for starters!
Anyway, I have babbled for long enough! Let's crack on with looking at what is going on in our fabulous Key Stage...
Please follow the instructions
In our Year Five English lessons, we have started to look at instructions.
5AD had a go at making Pop Up Cards following a specific set of instructions.
I think we can use the saying 'varying degrees of success' in this instance.
This is Mrs Daniel's efforts:
Oh dear.
Good luck 5AD!
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all of the children who found their names on this week's Worth a Mention Boards.
Let's start with the epic Year Five children...
Now it's the turn of the super duper Year Six children:
Well done one and all! These boards area always such a joy to behold.
Uniform check feedback
I am delighted to say that, on the whole, the Key Stage Two uniform check on Tuesday was a triumph! There was the inevitable glitch or two but I think we are all back on track which is fantastic!
Well done Key Stage Two!
Evolution like you've never seen the likes of before!
In the Year Six Science Lessons, the children had to make up a project to explain how an animal, real or made up, evolved. They ideally did this in three stages to show the process and explained how natural selection caused this to happen. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what these incredible children created...
I spied a few of them being proudly carried into Mr Duffy's room - they were amazing!
Well done 6IW - I am so impressed with your imagination, creativity and originality.
You rock!
Year Six Paulton's Park Trip

The letters are now out (hoorah!) so we would be incredibly grateful if you could get the permission slips and payment back to us as soon as possible.
There are still a few details that we need to iron out so be prepared for additional information heading your way in the next few days! Thank you for the queries we have had - it's really important for questions to be shared with us as things do get missed or forgotten from time to time.
The children are working so hard and really do deserve a trip where they can let their hair down and enjoy a day out of pure fun and enjoyment. I promise you that there won't be one single worksheet to complete!
Please do remember that the Friday of that week (week commencing 13th May) is the 'SATs catch up' day so if any tests have been missed and we not been able to allocate alternative times for the children to complete them then they will be expected to complete any outstanding tests on that day.
I am feeling confident that it won't be something that we will need to worry about!
I can't wait!
Well, that's for another week. It may have only been four days back at work but I have spend the majority of my evenings sparked out on the sofa!
I hope you all have a fabulous week and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week for more showing off of our wonderful children.
Mrs Ray
(who did a bit of gardening in the holidays and has, inadvertently, discovered a new plant. I don't quite know what to call it - any ideas?)
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