Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Did last week really happen? It will definitely go down as one of the most memorable weeks of the academic year. I hope you have all fully recovered from our visitors last week and that you are all in the process of having a fabulous half term.
Having had a rather manic Bank Holiday weekend, I finally have a bit of time to be able to write this week's Blog so, without further a do, here we go!
Year Five Hampton Court Trip
Not long now until the Year Five children venture to Hampton Court on their History trip to learn more about Henry VIII and the Tudor Dynasty. A letter should have come home on Friday to give you more information about the trip along with the all important form to let us know how the children are getting home on Friday evening. It is imperative that this form is returned as soon as possible so that we can compile our lists ready for the big day.
Please also note that we need to leave school at 6.45am on the dot so that we have time to stop at Winchester Services and get to Hampton Court in time as we have a workshop to attend at 10.30am.
The Year Five corridor will be open from 6.30am.
There will plenty of opportunities to sleep on the coach!
Paulton's Part Two
Year Six, have you recovered from the Paulton's Park trip yet?
Last week I promised you more pictures and I am being true to my word.
These fabulous pictures come courtesy of the fabulous Miss Enever...
A HUGE 'Thank You' to all of our helpers on the day! We were so lucky to bring such a terrific group of adults with us - without you the day wouldn't have been half the success that it was!
Go Team Year Six!
Year Six PGL
Well, it's not long now! For the children who are going on the PGL Trip to Barton Hall, you must be getting very excited now? I know I am! I hope you are getting all the things together that you need over the half term?
My daughter is off to Land and Wave in Swanage on Monday so I am hoping we can double up!
Exciting times!
Training Day
We all love you dearly but please don't come into school on Monday 3rd June as it a Teacher Training Day. As a teaching staff we will all be getting ready for the exciting changes that are planned for September.
I guess you you never stop learning, regardless of your age!
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all the children who found themselves on this week's Worth a Mention Boards.
Let's start with Year Six:
Now for Year Five:
I am sorry that poor old 5CW don't have any children this week. Well, never fear, we will make it up to you in the next Blog!
With bells on!
Well done one and all - your superstar status is official!
Golden Time
Mrs Ettling and I were a bit disappointed with the number of children who missed their Golden Time last week. In total, over forty children in Key Stage Two missed it.
The majority of children who didn't receive their Golden Time were Year Sixes. You do need to remember that even though you have finished your SATs, the learning and expectations never stop. As mentioned earlier, we never stop learning, regardless of the exams we have had to take and your age is immaterial.
Back on the horse we go Year Six, back on the horse...
Thomas Hardy Event
If you are looking for things to do this half term, this looks rather good!
I am a huge Thomas Hardy fan so it'll be an exciting event to attend - it is our cultural heritage after all. I'm not sure that I could rustle up a Victorian costume but I am pretty certain it will be fun!
Might see you there?!
Well, that's it for this week! I hope the rest of the half term is a good one for you all and that you come back to school on the Tuesday fully refreshed and ready for the busiest half term in the academic year.
Mrs Ray
(who can't believe she has packed in so much so far - I think it's time to slow down a bit now. Yeah, right...)
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Party in Central London |
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Wormwood Scrubs Parkrun |
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Take That Concert |
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Christian Dior Exhibition |
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