All go!

Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!

I survived! My first residential ever and I am still in one piece! To be fair, I have been sleeping for England since my return (but not in the classroom you'll be relieved to know!) but it was so worth it.

It was lovely to come back on Thursday and to see all the super Key Stage Two children again (who I don't think had even noticed that I had gone) and to get back into the swing of things.

It has been great to hear about all the positive things the children have been getting up to whilst we have been away, more of that later...

PGL - Barton Hall

Despite the shocking weather, forty six intrepid children and complimentary adults embarked on a trip to Torquay on Monday had a fantastic time in deepest, soggy Devon until Wednesday. 

Although we got absolutely soaked to the skin on Day One, the children's spirits were not dampened and they tackled their designated activities with enthusiasm and determination. 

This is what you have to do when you forget to bring your coat!

This is just a small selection of the pictures that we took over the five days, I will put a few more on the Blog next week.

A lot of the activities that the children took part in were challenging to say the least but everyone gave everything a go which was rather impressive. I hope that everyone who went had a good time and enjoyed the whole experience.

Well done Miss Woodley on organising such a successful residential, it was (without doubt) an absolute triumph!

Hampton Court Part Two

As promised last week, here are a few more pictures from our Hampton Court trip last Friday. When I was teaching 5MW on Thursday, I was really impressed with how much they had learnt from our visit.

Here are a few pictures from 5KD's experience:

This is what 5AD got up to:

What a brilliant day!

Reverse Poetry

Whilst the children from 6MP, 6IW and 6CWr were at PGL, the remaining children of 6MP and 6CWr combined for English. Mrs James and it looks as though they had a fabulous time. The children looked at and produced 'Reverse Poetry'.

Just brilliant! 

Coming Up...

For the children who didn't go on the PGL trip - our plans are starting to come together rather nicely. Look out for the letter this week...

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to all of the children who found their way onto this week's Worth a Mention Board.

Let's start with Year Six this week...

Now it's the turn of Year Five:

Well, that's it for another week. I hope you have had a good weekend and didn't get too soaked?

Here's hoping for a relatively 'normal' week next week - it's going to be the calm before the storm isn't it?

Have a good week everyone - see you back here next week.

Mrs Ray

(who managed to summon some energy to complete the Dorset Conquest 10km on Saturday afternoon!)
