Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Well, I have to say that it was nice to have a 'complete' week in school this week. I had a lovely visit to Damers to see our nearly Year Five children in Year Four and Ms Grassby, Miss Sharpe and I have been busy finalising the classes ready for our Transfer Day on the 4th July.
Meanwhile, back in the ranch Year Five continue to be super fundraisers and our Year Six children are gearing themselves up for life in Key Stage Three.
It's go isn't it?
Yummy, yummy Cakes!
Year Five are in the process of raising money for a treat at the end of term. This Monday there was a terrific cake sale which raised an impressive £105.47.
A HUGE Thank You to all the parents and carers who kindly sent in cakes to sell - what a result!
Next week 5AD and 5MW will be selling milkshakes and cookies so make sure you bring in your pennies for Monday!
Back in Time
On Tuesday, Ms Grassby and I took back six children to visit their previous school, Damers First School to talk to the Year Four classes about what life is like at Dorchester Middle School.
We were really impressed with the excellent questions we were asked. I hope that our visit helped those who are feeling a little bit wobbly about the move to Middle School. Roll on Transfer Day!
PGL - Part Two
As promised last week, here are a few more photographs from the recent Year Six visit to Barton Hall.
I still have many, many fabulous photographs to share so it looks as though there will probably be a Part Three next week - watch this space!
Year Six to adventure to Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre

For the children who didn't go on the PGL trip to Barton Hall, Mr Palmer has pulled a blinder and has managed to secure the opportunity for our Year Six children to take part in a variety of activities at WOEC.
Letters about this incredible opportunity should have come home last Thursday - if you didn't receive a letter then please do let us know as soon as possible!
We only have a limited number of places so make sure you sign up as soon as possible!
How exciting!
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to everyoen who found someselves on this week's Worth a Mention Boards.
Starting with Year Five:
Now for Year Six:
Well done one and all for having your hard work and perseverance being acknowledged.
Good work Team!
Golden Time

25 children in Year Six alone missed their Golden Time this week which is such a shame.
We still have quite a few weeks left of Key Stage Two Year Six yet our expectations remain the same.
Let's hope that the number of children missing future Golden Times are dramatically reduced!
Sports Day
Just a quick reminder that it's our annual Sports Day this Wednesday 26th June!
The fun and games start just after registration for Key Stage Two. We will be participating in the track and field events after lunch.
I have a sinking feeling that I've signed up for the staff relay again.
Will I never learn?
Celebration Assemblies
Just to give you a bit of advanced notice - Year Five's Celebration Assembly will be held on Tuesday 16th July at 2.15pm.
We are still trying to confirm the date of the Year Six Assembly as there are a few clashes with the Apollo Project.
As soon as I have a date and time, I will let you know.
PTFA Summer Fair

Hopefully, the posters have been emailed to you about our fantastic Summer Fair that has been organised by our magnificent PTFA for Friday 5th July 3.30pm - 5.30pm.
I so hope that you can come!
Thank you for all of your donations for the Fair from Friday's Non Uniform Day - all contributions were gratefully received!
Well, that's it for another week. I hope you all enjoy the sunshine - long may it last!
See you next week!
Mrs Ray
(who is going to take part in the Studland 10km on Sunday morning. Why?)

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