Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
So, now everyone knows who their Homebase Tutor is next year (well, nearly everyone) and so now everyone can relax and enjoy the last couple of crazy weeks before we break up for the long-awaited Summer Holiday! I always find change difficult at the best of times but ultimately it does (believe it or not) do us good as it takes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to experience something new even if it feels a bit daunting and scary to begin with.
Anyway, enough of my usual ramblings, let's start to tackle all the things that I have to report to you this week...
Sweet Music
On Monday, I was extremely lucky to attend the Music Department's Summer Concert. It was a super evening and really rather humbling to see the huge amount of musical talent that we hold within our school.
It was a truly outstanding evening and I was proud of each and every child involved. A huge 'well done' to Mrs Hammonds for putting together such a terrific programme and group of performers within such a limited time. Brilliant!
Transfer Day
We had a terrific day with the new intake for September on Thursday - they were an absolute credit to their First Schools. There were so many highlights from the day but I think the ultimate moment for me was when the Year Four children met their Year Seven Buddies. The excitement had been mounting all morning and we were all asked, on several occasions, how long it would be until they met their Buddies!
As you have gathered, it's all change in Year Five as the Homebase Tutors will be Mr Haigh, Mrs Winstanley, Mrs James and Mrs Ettling, Miss Randall and Mrs Emery.
A huge thank you to them for making the Year Four children so welcome and excited about coming to DMS.
I would also like to thank Ms Grassby for all of her hard work throughout the transition process - it has certainly paid off. I would also like to thank Miss Sharpe, our SENCO, for coming along on Thursday night to speak to the parents. Her expertise has been invaluable and she really helped and supported us, especially when it came to putting the classes together.
We have been making appointments to see the new Year Five parents in September so if you were unable to attend the evening and would like to meet with your child's Year Five Tutor then please do contact them directly by email. Email addresses can be found on the 'Communication Hierarchy' that was sent home with the Year Four children on Thursday.
As for our Year Five into Year Six children, there weren't too many surprises there! Our next step is to make sure that we have six academically balanced teaching groups ready for the off in September. Once these new teaching groups have been formed then the children will have the opportunity to have a 'taster' lesson with their new group before we break up for the summer holidays. The same applies for the Year Six into Year Seven children.
Exciting times ahead!
All the fun of the Fair
A massive 'Thank You' to the PTFA for such an incredibly successful Summer Fair on Friday evening. Their hard work and amazing organisation certainly paid off and parents and children had a terrific time.
Thank You to all the children, parents and teachers (especially the brave ones who had wet sponges lobbed at them!) who helped to set up and run the fair. A special thank you to Miss Enever who organised all the pupil volunteers which turned out to be a mammoth task! We haven't had a Summer Fair for many years and it was an absolute joy to see one back in action. I really do think it was one of the best Fairs I have ever attended - the attention to detail was incredible, the stalls good fun, the food was delicious and as for the Rose, well, it was a definite hit at the end of a very busy day!
Thank You everyone!
Worth a Mention Children
Due to the totally bonkers week, not everyone had the opportunity to complete their Worth a Mention boards so apologies for that.
In Year Five this week we have...
...the whole year group! I am so pleased that you all had such a positive day on Thursday - you will indeed be fine Year Sixes.
Talking of which...
Thank you Year Six for being so incredibly helpful and supportive - it hasn't gone unnoticed!
Busy, Busy...
We are out and about a lot next week and we also have rehearsals for the Apollo Project so please bear with us!
Here's what we've got coming up in the next couple of weeks:
Wednesday 10th July - Year Six Cinema Trip to see Toy Story Four
Thursday 11th July - Year Five Cinema Trip to see Toy Story Four
Thursday 11th July - Year Six group out to WOEC
Friday 12th July - Year Six group out to WOEC
Friday 12th July - Year 4/5 Transition Disco
Tuesday 16th July - Year Six Celebration Assembly 9.30am - 10.30am
Tuesday 16th July - Year Five Celebration Assembly 2.15pm
So, that's it for another week! I hope you all have a good week and that we all manage survive the next two extremely busy weeks! Thank you for all your support and patience - you really are the best!
See you next week (hopefully!)
Mrs Ray
(who is really looking forward to seeing the First School Teachers on Monday to catch up and have a good chin wag about our new recruits! Yes, there will be cake!)
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