Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Here we are, another week under our belts which is fabulous. I think we're all getting used to the changes and that includes me finally working out who I give which homework to and when!
There is no doubt that our Year Fives are feeling more settled and that the Year Sixes are rising to the challenges and changes that are coming their way on a frequent basis.
Another of my wittering, let's crack on with the Blog...

Huge congratulations to all of the Year Five children who were involved in the football match against Sunninghill on Wednesday. With a magnificent score of 5 games to 1, you should be VERY proud of yourselves.
I am so impressed with ALL of the children who are attending after school Sports Clubs, well done for putting yourselves out there and for taking part.
Golden Time
For of those of you who don't know, these are my rabbits: Roy and Beryl.
As you can see they look very sad. Do you know why? It was because they heard about the enormous number of children who missed their Golden Time this week.
I think the introduction of Homework has complicated matters for a few children (more of that later) and for a few of you, it's been a bit of a culture shock.
To recap, in order for the children to earn Golden Time they need to:
1. Hand Homework in on time.
2. Get their Home School Diaries signed (for the previous weeks).
3. Have 3 reads signed by an adult.
4. No Detentions.
Some of these are very quick fixes and we will always support the best we can in school. The only thing we can't really do is sign the diaries and Detention is down to the children.
Let's work hard to make my bunnies happy ones!
Homework - happy to help!
From talking to the children who missed Golden Time on Wednesday, getting Homework completed can be a bit of a challenge. I have an eleven year old daughter so I am one of the most empathetic people on the planet on this one!
There are a few options in school that could help alleviate the stress:
* Daily Study Group that runs from 1.30pm in the ICT Suite
* Working in the Library but only if you are quiet
* Ms Grassby's Chill Out Zone (lunchtimes are better than break times as you can achieve more in that half hour)
We are hoping to start a Key Stage Two After School Homework Club in the next couple of weeks. Watch this space...
Worth a Mention Children
HUGE Congratulations to all the lovely children who found themselves mentioned on this week's boards.
Let's start with Year Six this week:
Now it's the turn of the Year Five Gang:
This such a joy to read - well done to all of this week's children.
Year Six Meet and Greet
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Meet and Greet on Wednesday. I hope that you found it an informative session and that you were able to touch base with your child's Homebase Tutor.
A big thank you to all the members of staff who attended, it is greatly appreciated.
Year Five Drop In
Don't forget that our Year Five Drop In sessions on a Monday after school are still available. Year Five Tutors and members of the Pastoral Team will be in the Year Five corridor to answer any of your queries. We will be available from 3.30pm until 3.45pm. Please remember to come to Reception first so you can be signed in.
PTFA - an appeal
Our PTFA is fabulous. We only formed a few months ago but we have already organised and run several successful events including our brilliant Summer Fair.
If you would like to join our merry band of volunteers and want to help make a difference for the children of our fabulous school then please do come and join us for our next meeting. This will be held on Tuesday 15th October from 6pm - 7pm at Dorchester Middle School.
We're looking forward to seeing and meeting a few new faces!
Well, that's it for another week. I hope you all have a good week and I shall look forward to seeing you back here next week.
Mrs Ray
(who is starting to (finally!) get her running mojo back. Slow and steady wins the race, right?)
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