Back to life, back to reality

Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog

Well, we did it! We all got back to school in one piece and everyone has now experienced the new academic year! We have all had a fabulous few days getting to know our new Year Five children as well as welcoming our new Year Sixes back into the fold. I am convinced that they have done some serious growing during the summer holidays! 

All the Homebase Tutors have had a lovely time with their children with the main focus being getting them ready for the year ahead.

This year, I am going to 'employ' a team of roving reporters in Key Stage Two to help me with the Blog. I have an irrational fear of 'missing out' so I want to make sure we cover as much as possible. I have already recruited two children in Year Five (thank you Reece and Sophie) so I need two from Year Six - any takers? We're going to meet during a lunchtime, probably Thursday so if you're interested, come and find me.


On Friday morning we gave the children their new timetables. In Year Five it was pretty straightforward although it was a bit confusing when it came to transferring the information into the Home School Diary. Mr Haigh likened it to cracking a code!

In Year Six it was a it more complicated because of the new teaching groups. I certainly earned my cup of tea at break time!

Please don't worry if you're not 100% sure what you are doing and when - we will make sure that you get to where you are meant to be. It'll take a bit of getting used to but I promise you, you will get there in the end!

Bonding through Team Building

On Friday, the lucky Year Five children had the fabulous Mr Daly take them for a 'Team Building' session. He had 20 minutes with each class and loved every second of his time with the new children. He was very impressed with what he saw. In fact, many of the teachers who were lucky enough to hold a 'taster session' for the Year Fives complimented them on their excellent behaviour and willingness to give things a go.
Long may it continue!

Before School - a reminder

Golden Time

Golden Time is probably a term that is familiar to many and this continues in Key Stage Two at Dorchester Middle School.In Key Stage Two, Golden Time has to be 'earned' by the children and in order fore them to receive it they need to do the following:

* Get their Home School Diary signed every week
* Hand their homework in on time
* Not receive any Detentions
* Complete a minimum of three reads to an adult a week.

Home School diaries will be checked on a Tuesday by the Homebase Tutor.

We totally appreciate that there will be teething problems so, we will be holding our first official Golden Time on Wednesday 18th September.

There will be a letter going out to Year Five parents next week that will explain this in a bit more detail.

Worth a Mention Children

These boards are looking  bare and empty!
We need to put in children's names and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned!

If you do get onto the board not only do you become a celebrity in your Year Group, you also have sticker in your book to show off to everyone as well receiving TWO achievement points.

Good Luck everyone!

Before School - a reminder

Please remember that staff are not on duty on the playground until 8.35am every morning so children must not be dropped off or on the premises before then. Whilst I appreciate that some of you are keen beans and ready and raring to get started in the morning, we cannot be responsible for the children who are on site before then.
We take the safeguarding of our children very seriously at Dorchester Middle School and would not want them to be put in a potentially vulnerable situation.


A list of clubs on offer will come out in the next few days. All clubs will start on 16th September.

If your child will be attending an after school club, you need to make sure that you have written your permission in the Home/School diary. If we do not have written permission in the diary then, unfortunately, your child will not be able to attend. As I said before, we take safeguarding very seriously at DMS.

Girl's Football Club

Image result for football

Talking of clubs, one of our parents, Mr Ogelsby, is looking for new recruits to the Dorchester Town FC under 11's girls teams. The girls will need to be 9 or 10 years old on 30th August. Parents can contact him directly on 07899 928002 or
How exciting!

Well, that's it for this week's Blog. I will start to put on pictures of our children on the Blog (it's so much more interesting when I do!) as soon as I know have the list of permissions.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the beautiful county that we will live in.

See you back here next week for more news and updates!

Mrs Ray

(who made her debut on Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday with Miss the audience! Did you see us? We were directly behind the judges, bathed in a blue light!)

Image may contain: 2 people, suit and indoor

(she also took part in the Lychett Relays on Saturday!)
