Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Yeah! We did it! We all survived the first half term of the academic year and blimey - what an epic that was! We had a great week though, especially in Year Five where we celebrated our children's successes and then the following day, we had our first Parent Consultations of the term. I do believe, without doubt, that we were all ready for the break, don't you?
Anyway, let's crack on with the important stuff...
Worth a Mention Children
I was very impressed with the fabulous selection of children that I spied on this week's Worth a Mention Boards. Well done to every songle one of you.
Let's start with Year Five:
Now for the turn of Year Six:
In 6YK, our WAMs were Maria and Harry for setting an excellent example to others and in 6KD Mr Duffy decided that ALL of his class should get it for making it through a very smooth half term.
I am so, so impressed Key Stage Two, huge congratulations to one and all!
A day at the Museum
I am so, so excited about this! On 22nd November, we will be hosting Dorset County Museum's Inflatable Museum! It is part of the Kid's Takeover Day and we have been the chosen school for this event.

We are in the process of finalising the details with the Museum but we are in for a cracking day!
Year Five Celebration Assembly
It was lovely wasn't it? It was so nice to see so many of you there and thank you for smiling at me as well as laughing at my dreadful quips. I was so impressed with the number of stripes that were earned and please don't despair of you didn't quite make it this time, we will have another Celebration Assembly at the end of the term.
Talking of stripes, they still hadn't arrived at the close of play on Friday so many, many apologies for that. Fingers crossed they will be in school when we get back.
Year Five Parent Consultations
It was lovely to see so many of you on the Wednesday night. I hope you found it to be a useful and constructive meeting. You will have an opportunity to meet with your children's Maths and English Teachers towards the end of the term - I will let you know as soon as we have settled on a date.
Mrs James will be hosting 5EJ's Parent Consultation on Tuesday 12th November 4pm - 6pm. Letters will be distributed when we come back from half term.
Seeing a few of the parents who were former pupils of the school was rather sobering. I am now officially old!
Dates for the Diary
We have got a few things planned for the next half term so here are a few dates for you to keep free:
Friday 15th November - Children in Need Day. Letters have gone home about this.
Tuesday 19th November - School at Work Morning for parents of Year Four children.
Wednesday 20th November - Year Six Heights and Weights
Friday 22nd November - Inflatable Museum in School with the opportunity for parents and members of the community to come and have a look after school. 'Fossil Fuel' will be available (food!).
Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children
We have now met twice and have had very productive and exciting meetings.
Here are a few extra dates for you:
Friday 22nd November - food and drinks to be available to purchase from the PTFA after school.
Friday 29th November - Quiz and Cuisine Night (families welcome)
Friday 13th December - Christmas Disco for all Year Groups at 6.30pm
Please do support our PTFA by attending and volunteering to help at our events. We raise vital funds for the school and have jolly good fun in the process!
Well, that's it for this week! I am about to zoom off to the South of France (check me!) so there won't be a Blog until November where I am sure there will be lots to report. I promise that I will refrain from posting lots of pictures of sunny Nice (fingers crossed!) but, like you, I desperately need to recharge my very worn down batteries.
Have a terrific half term and please don't forget that there is a Staff Training Day on the first Monday (4th November) so we will see you on Tuesday 5th November.
I will looking forward to seeing you back here in a couple for weeks!
Mrs Ray
(who did the Studland National Trust 10km on Sunday - it was glorious!)
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