Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Well, that was a 'quick' week wasn't it? I hope you all had a good week of fun, relaxation and managed the vital battery recharging that I kept wittering on about before half term. We have had a good week in school - the majority of the children had no trouble in settling back in very quickly and I can safely say that it is business as usual.
Right, enough of Ray Witterings, let's crack on with this week's Blog...
Dr Ray and Nurse Shaw
Writing can be a tricky business can't it? Sometimes you just get stuck and don't know what to do next. In order to help 5TH and 5NR with their work, Dr Ray runs the 'Writer's Clinic' (drop in session - no appointment required) which is more of your Consultant lead service. Nurse Shaw runs the 'Sentence Surgery' which is more of a triage type service.
The children, sorry, patients are loving the service especially as it enables us to work with them on a more 1:1 basis.
If you are in 5NR then we will have a new member of the medical team next week, Paramedic Easton. More evidence of that next week (but I warn you now, I have ordered the blue flashing light!)
Talking of which...
I had a sneaky look in Mrs James' classroom on Friday and I was extremely impressed with the work they have on their Working Wall. I love it especially the fantastic plan they have created for their own story.
I can't wait to see the finished stories - will I need to read them with the lights on?!
Kids Takeover the Museum Day

Before half term I alluded to the fact that we had something special lined up for our children on Friday 22nd November and I am delighted to be able to give you a bit more information about the day...
So, the lovely children in Key Stage Two will have the exclusive opportunity to visit the construction site of the new Dorset County Museum in the morning and then write a report about it on their return. They will get to talk to the Construction Site Team, as well as the Museum staff. In the afternoon, they will get to visit the Inflatable Museum in the Gym which will also have their reports on display.
After school, we will open up the doors to parents/carers when you will also have the opportunity to visit our powerful World War One display that will be created by our Year Eight children in the Hall. Hot food and refreshments from our terrific PTFA will be available until 5.30pm.
Letters about the day will be coming out at the beginning of the week. There is a permission slip that will need completing ASAP.
How exciting!
Children in Need

As you you know, this Friday sees the BBC's annual Children in Need Day. In school we will be marking the occasion by wearing spots, stripes, onesies or pyjamas (how about all four?) and all for a £1!
Children in Need merchandise will be on sale all this week from the School Shop so please do purchase items in order to support this fabulous and worthwhile charity. I know that I already have quite a selection of Pudsey ears at home but they are like shoes, there's always space for another pair!
There will also be a Cake Sale run by the Pupil Voice Representatives at break time so remember to bring your pennies to school that day.
There will also be a Cake Sale run by the Pupil Voice Representatives at break time so remember to bring your pennies to school that day.
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to the amazing children who have found their names on this week's WAM boards.
Let's start off with the mighty Year Five:
Now for the super duper Year Sixes:
Well done one and all - what an awesome bunch you are!
Show and Tell
We have already shared Mrs James' working wall but I wanted to share with you a couple of other display boards with you.
I spotted this one in the Humanities corridor...
These two boards were in the Maths corridor:
I was so impressed with the research our children had completed on famous mathematicians. I certainly learnt a lot when I read them.
Good job!
What a mess!
From one extreme to the other.
I just wanted to 'mess shame' one of the Year Five cloakrooms!
Oh my! I nag and nag and nag about the state of the cloakrooms but it is clear to see that the effort of picking up a coat or a bag - even if they don't belong to you - is just too much!
My empathy goes out to your parents and carers - I can only begin to imagine the state of some of your bedrooms at home are like...
Keep your cloakrooms tidy Year Five!
Golden Time
I bring joyous news! This week very few children missed their Golden Time and we had a record number of whole classes receiving it. It was such a shame that it was raining though.
It's always hard to know what the expectations are during a holiday so as long as the diary has been signed, reads have been completed and Detentions were not received then the children should be home and dry (literally).
Here are the bunnies looking happier (yes, I know it's hard to tell). They some how managed to make their way into the sitting room from outside and 'found' the fleece blankets!
Aren't they clever bunnies?!
Well, that's it for another week!
I hope you have a fabulous week and that the sun shines for us all.
See you next week!
Mrs Ray
(who has managed to refrain from posting lots and lots of annoying Nice photos so please indulge me with this one. I was mid run, just in case you were questioning my 'interesting' attire. Me being a show off? Surely not?!))
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