Hanging on in there...

Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!

How are you all? Are you all ok?

I can barely believe that another week has passed. Another week in lock down, another week without seeing our friends and family in person, another week of not being in school, another week of working from home. 

For all the negatives there are so many positives - another week of working from home with my family (a mixed blessing at the best of times but Mr Ray is cracking on with those DIY jobs) so that we are safe, another week of our health, another week of seeing more of my extended family than I ever do because technology permits this to happen, another week of doing more exercise, another week of hanging out with the bunnies, another week of home cooked meals, another week of getting the hang of virtual meetings and rather enjoying them when it works!

The bunnies have been an absolute highlight of this lock down. I bet they can't wait for us to get back to school/work so we stop staring at them, remarking how cute they are and constantly chasing them around the garden so we can give them a cuddle (they hate it!).

This is one of my favourite pictures from the last few days. Look everyone, we are growing rabbits! I was gardening at the weekend and didn't have the heart to plant anything in this pot because they love sitting in it so much!

Another highlight was receiving a little parcel in the post from my stepfather. He is in the process of completing a silversmithing course and is making us lots of lovely things for us to treasure.

The enclosed note said that the earrings were 'designed for use by teachers who spend a great deal of their lives marking homework'. I love them!

For those of you who are in my Google Classrooms will also know that I finally managed to get out of the house and go for a very over due run. It was exhausting but I was so pleased with myself when it was done. Exercise is so good for our mental health isn't it? It's just getting motivated to do it is my problem!

What have YOU been up to this week? Besides working your way through the tasks the teachers have set you, have you managed to do other things? Is there something new that you've learnt to do? Have you set yourself any challenges? Have you had any 'wins'? My daughter got a bit overwhelmed with everything on Friday so my husband set a challenge: to put together a work bench.

Didn't she do well? He recorded each step of the process and they are going to make a video to send to her Technology teacher. I think he'll be very impressed, don't you?

What have your teachers been up to?

I asked your teachers to let us know what they have been doing in the lock down besides being tied to their laptops all day and grappling with their various Google Classrooms.

The Miss Randall Experience

When I asked Miss Randall what she has been up to I had lots if fabulous pictures from her. You can tell that besides keeping on top of Google Classroom, she has also been busy doing other things.

She has been tidying up her wardrobe...



She has gone on some beautiful walks...

She has been busy baking (and lucky to get the ingredients!)...


Most of all, she has been enjoying spending time in her garden and in her allotment.

 Impressive! I am exhausted just looking at these gorgeous pictures. 
Thank you for sharing them with us Miss Randall.

The Mrs Cook Experience

Talking of exhausting, Mrs Cook sent me a picture of her out on her bike! She said that it had been a while since she was last on it but she looks like a natural doesn't she?

Well done Mrs Cook - did you feel good after your bike ride? I bet you did!

Hannah's Lockdown Birthday

Now, I know for a fact that quite a few people have had a birthday during lock down and young Hannah in Year Six was no exception.

Hannah's Mum was determined for her to have a different but exciting type of a day and I think her mission was accomplished. Hannah had birthday cake for breakfast (jealous!), followed by a ten mile bike ride topped off with cricket and football in the garden, bowling on the Wii and a BBQ with, yes, you've guessed it, more cake!

That sounds like a cracking birthday doesn't it?

I love the T-Shirt and card - it sounds as though it was a a most unforgettable day!

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Isaac the Creative

Isaac in Year Five has been a busy bee too. He has been making biscuits based on a recipe from Ancient Egypt (did they taste as yummy as they looked?!) and doing some rather fabulous painting.


New arrivals

When these pictures popped up on our 6M English Google Classroom Page we all commented on how cute these piglets were. Scarlett in Year Six has been very busy on the family farm, they have been lambing as well.

I love seeing your pictures and finding out what you have been getting up to outside the strange, frustrating yet (hopefully) rewarding world of Home Education. Getting fresh air, playing and getting new life skills (or trying to) is so important in this strange period of our lives.

Please keep the pictures coming by emailing me at: fray01@dmsschool.co.uk

I am so proud of each and every one of you and when I go out and clap for our incredible NHS tonight, I will also be clapping for the incredible children of DMS whose lives have been turned upside down through circumstances out of our control.

Have a good Bank Holiday weekend everyone and I will see you next week for another Blog.

Mrs Ray x
