Hello and welcome back to the Key Stage Two Blog!
Although Key Stage Two may be my target audience, everyone is incredibly welcome so, hello everyone!
With the first week after half term under our metaphorical belts, we now prepare for the next week's learning challenges. A few of you might be starting back at school for the first time in a quite a few weeks, many of you will be preparing for another week at school and the majority of you will still be at home.
I remain at home (sigh) but continue to be busy. Miss Easton, Mrs Marshall and I are continuing to develop the Transition to Year Five web page and there are LOADS of additions this week. If you have a younger brother, sister, friend or you know of children who have a place with us for September, it is well worth looking at our section.
You can find it at:
This week, I was very excited to receive my long-awaited delivery of my PE with Joe T Shirts and wore it with pride on Friday.
Yes, I even managed to get the reluctant twelve year old to do the session on Friday but I still remain the more enthusiastic participant out of the two of us!
So, besides doing lots of school work; exercise and getting outside continues to be massively important to me. This weekend I went for a beautiful walk on Saturday and a glorious run on Sunday.
The number of swans that we saw on the river at Spetisbury on Sunday was incredible! There was one very protective Mummy Swan who was sat on her nest so that should be an exciting revisit in a couple of weeks.
Who needs Abbotsbury when you have this virtually on your doorstep?
Now, a Blog from me wouldn't be right without a bunny update! Here are the latest pictures just in case you were getting withdrawal symptoms!
Beryl takes centre stage this week - do you like the shelter that my husband made for them? They love flopping underneath it when it is hot and it doubles up as a place to put their food when the weather is dodgy.
Back to school
Quite a few of you in Year Six went back to school this week and I know that a few more of you are joining the gang on Monday. It was reported to me that those of you who are in school have been AMAZING and even though there are so many rules and regulations to remember, you are doing a grand job.
If there is someone new in your group/zone/bubble this week then please keep an extra special eye out for them. Remember how you felt this time last week? You are now experts so please remember to share your expertise with those around you.
Miss Easton very kindly took a few pictures this week so you can see what school looks like with children in it! The following pictures are taken from the Green Zone:
I hope that these pictures are reassuring to everyone and gives you a sense of what it is like in school.
For those of us at home, we continue to work hard don't we? You would have noticed this week that the work that you have been set on Google Classroom is from the Faculty Leads rather than the specific teachers, especially in Key Stage Two English.
Please don't worry if this is the case. As Ms Pluck wrote this week, we will still be reading and looking at the work that you are turning in. Please be mindful that many of your teachers are back in school but be assured that you are never far from our thoughts.
Big Umbrella - Year Six

Ms Pluck and I wrote to the Year Sixes before half term and one of the things we included in the letter was the opportunity for our children to be part of the The Big Umbrella programme run by Dorset Mind.
This is what we wrote:
If you are feeling anxious and feel that you would prefer to talk to someone outside of your family, Dorset
Mind have kindly agreed to run their Big Umbrella 1:1 support sessions for our Year Six be children who are
in or out of school. ‘The Big Umbrella’ is an early intervention project aimed at building young people’s
resilience. It equips them with the skills to manage and maintain good mental wellbeing. We successfully
ran the programme in school last year with really positive results.
Here is the link again.
Please do get in touch with them if you would like your child to be part of this.
I thoroughly recommend it.
Wellbeing Challenge

Staying on the subject of wellbeing, for those of you who are still learning at home, I have a challenge for you...
Whilst planning and resourcing the Year Sixes returning to school, I came across the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families website which was rather good.
Whilst looking at what they have to offer, I came across the 'On My Mind' section that has lots of fantastic activities to help you look after your mental health. Exercise is one of the ways that helps me to look after my mental health but I also write lists, take photographs and love spending time in my garden.
So, what's the challenge?
Have a look at the range of activities using the weblink below. Get a photograph taken of you doing one of the activities and send it with a brief explanation to:
I will be sending home prizes to the ones that I receive! Also, I will put your picture with a short explanation on the next Blog.
Who knows, whatever you choose to do might inspire someone else to have a go...
So, what are you going to have a go at? I can't wait to see!
Creative Minds
Whilst on the subject of competitions, don't forget the two fabulous competitions that Ms Pluck is running. Details were sent home on Friday and are also on our Facebook page.
Win a party for your Year Group by reading the most amount of books
Write a poem, story, play script that you just can't put down.
There are some EPIC prizes on offer so get writing!
You should have received the Google Classroom code to enter. If not, please let your English teacher know.
What are you going to do and which Year Group is going to get a party?
One more surprise for you...
Finally, keep an eye on Facebook this week as there will be some rather exciting additions to our school website soon. I don't want to give too much away, all I can tell you for now is that it involves staff from our school.
Intrigued? You should be!
Well that's it for this week - that was a bit of an epic wasn't it?
Whatever your educational setting is for next week, have a good one. Work hard, ask questions and never, ever forget that although we may not be physically with all of you, you remain in our thoughts and hearts.
We all hope that one day, not too far away in the future, we can get back to 'normal' and be together as the one big, happy DMS family that we are.
Stay alert, take care, look after each other and be kind!
Mrs Ray x
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