Hello and welcome back to the Blog!
Er, excuse me, where did that week go? Again.
How was your week? Did you have a good one? I do hope so.
For those of you who are at home, how is the learning going? Are you getting much done? Is your brain still ticking over? I hope that you are getting a good balance at home - everyone's circumstances are so different so you have to do what works best for your family.
For those of you who are at school, how are you getting on? Are your enjoying being in your own little bubbles? I know that being in a bubble isn't always ideal but the most important thing is that you are being kept safe when you are at school. I would imagine that being in a smaller class must be quite nice? Don't get too used to it though - who knows what the future will bring!
This week seems to have mainly consisted of meetings, meetings and more meetings! Miss Easton and I continue to work hard on Transition and Miss Sharpe has been an incredible help and support to us. I've had a bit of an up and down week to be honest but it is all part of life I suppose.
I am pleased to announce that the reading regime that I tried to put into force last week for the reluctant twelve year old (and failed) has actually worked this week!
We have quite a good system in place. On Monday, Elsie reads to me, Tuesday, I read to Elsie, Wednesday - independent reading (for both of us), Thursday is back to reading to me and finally, on Friday, I read to Elsie again. However, this week, I had an extra body to read to.
It was quite hard to see all the words amongst all that fluff!
This weekend, I managed to get out for a run with my running chums Hannah and Karen. This week, we ran around the Tarrant Valley and Cranborne Chase. We stopped for a coffee in the village of Chettle but no cake this week.
Llamas or Alpacas? Who knows? |
On Sunday, Elsie and I popped up to the farm to see my Dad for Father's Day. Although he's not the most affectionate of Dads, it was so hard not to be able to give him an awkward hug or a cumbersome kiss.
My sister created the most awesome card from all of us - he was so pleased with it! |
Weekends are so precious aren't they and although the days really do merge into one, to have a couple of days away from school work is so important. I'm pleased to see that Google Classroom really quietens down at the weekend which is exactly how it should be.
Wellbeing Challenge
It was fabulous to report on Alex and Jacinthe's tried and tested Wellbeing techniques in the last Blog and this week I am delighted that we have a few more to add to the mix:
and Henry have been enjoying paddle boarding and swimming (although not in the rain!) They are definitely Waterbabies which is also one of their favourite books/ films.
Now, I think that is extremely brave as I have never paddled boarded in my life - the thought of it makes me feel rather nervous! I don't like getting cold and wet. I'd be useless wouldn't I? Well done boys!
Spending time with animals and pets
Here is Ella (5BL) with the family's new
puppy Bonnie. She is only 12 weeks old and likes lots of snuggles. It's really
relaxing just to sit and stroke her but they also have to play with her and take
her outside a lot for wees!! She's been a really good distraction during
I think the bunnies have a new rival! How cute is that puppy? Apparently. according to Ella's Mum, he is chewing everything in sight. At least the bunnies don't do that I suppose!
Online chat and peer group support
This lovely Year Five chap has been having fun via Whats App by creating rather marvellous creations in Lego with one of his friends. It's amazing isn't it? I wish I had the patience.
Face to face informal support
Mrs James and I try to catch up every week over a coffee and cake (optional). We talk for ages but I tell you what, I feel so much better and happier afterwards. Are you doing this a lot with your friends and family? I really did underestimate how powerful these video calls were but now, well, they're the best aren't they?
Please keep going with this everyone - it really does make a difference doesn't it?
Keep sending me your pictures and words - I love seeing them and don't forget that there are prizes in store for those who contact me.
You can find all the ideas on the Anna Freud 'On My Mind' website:
Story Time @ DMS
The stories are now coming in thick and fast which is so exciting!
We have had two new entries put on the website this week - they are fabulous.

There are a few more in the pipeline so watch this space:
Cute Alert!
Like Ella's puppy, the bunnies have been a really welcome distraction during lockdown. I know I have bored you to tears with pictures of 'my boys' but I just can't help myself!
Now, if this works (!) there is a video below which will, hopefully, make your hearts melt. It's so cute and something that I have been trying to capture on film for quite a few months now. Please excuse the commentary from my husband but we couldn't believe that we were in the garden, with a camera, when it happened. Enjoy!
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a good week and that you manage to try out a new self help Wellbeing technique.
With the speculation on what is going to happen with returning to school being quite prominent in the press, try and focus on the known rather than the unknown. Your teachers do an outstanding job and will make sure that your safety will always come first.
Regardless of where you are, at home or at school, we WILL get through this and regardless of how we may be feeling right
now, our eventual reunion will be awesome!
Work hard, stay alert and, most of all, be kind.
Mrs Ray x
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