Hello and welcome back to the Blog!
Did everyone have a good week? Were you all pleased to get to the weekend? I know I was!
So, despite an appeal on the school's Facebook page and a few messages to my Google Classrooms, I haven't had any pictures at all this week! You are now officially at my mercy - the poor bunnies have had to endure yet another photo shoot in the garden whilst all they want to do is be left in peace and quiet. Like that's EVER going to happen!
It looks as though we are all going to be back in September - hoorah! Well, nearly all of us as the Year Eights would have moved on and we will be welcoming our new recruits into our school which is all very exciting and nerve wracking at the same time! I'm hoping that I haven't forgotten how to teach.
Now that the Government have released their guidelines for September, Ms Pluck and the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) are working very hard to make sure the school is safe and ready for everyone's return. There are going to have to be a few changes so when we come back, things may well be a little bit different than what you were expecting. The changes that are made won't necessarily be forever but as a school community, we need to embrace them, just like the children who are going to school at the moment. They have had to get used to massive changes and have coped brilliantly in the process.
As soon as we have plans in place we will be letting you know so don't panic just yet.
My own Wellbeing Challenge
This week has been particularly busy for me. I won't bore you with the details but there have been times when I have not coped as well as I could/should have done which is why looking after your well being is so vitally important.
Running has been, as you know, really important to me. Not only am I seeing friends but I am connecting with nature and admiring the beautiful part of the world that I live in.
This weekend I managed two 'runs'.
The first one took me to Corfe Mullen which is where I used to go to school (Corfe Hills). Don't you just LOVE the name of the nature reserve below?!
My friend Nina just couldn't resist!
On Sunday, I was back in Spetisbury with Hannah and Karen. No cygnets were sighted I am sad to say and we couldn't see the nest as the reeds have shot up in height this week.
We noticed today that the roads were so much busier than they have been for the last three and a half months. It feels like everyone is starting to come back out of hibernation.
I am still taking part in the Virtual Pub Quiz every week - we got 48/50 again this week so that's good isn't it?
Our Family Quiz was extremely entertaining this week. My Dad and Stepmum have gone away for a few days in a motorhome, something that they have never done before, but managed to find a wifi connection. They decided that their round would be entitled 'Our Holiday'. Questions included: 'Who thought that driving to Devon via Andover was a good idea?' and 'Who managed to reverse the motorhome into a hedge?'
My Dad is hilarious!
When I look back at the period of time that we have been in lock down, I don't think that I have, personally, achieved a huge amount. I haven't re-organised wardrobes or decorated any rooms but I have loved my garden. The bunnies do try to eat the majority of the plants so I am constantly lugging massive pots to the non-bunny area (yes, it does exist). As a consequence of this, one side of the garden looks so much nicer than the other one!
Here are a couple of pictures to show off a couple of the plants that we have actually managed to keep alive!
Finally, a Blog wouldn't be a Blog without the infamous bunnies Roy and Beryl. Where they lack in the affection department they certainly make up for it in the cute one!
Happy Birthday NHS!
On Sunday, as a street, we celebrated the 72nd Birthday of our wonderful NHS.
The Ukulele Band were out in force and sounding even better than ever!
We also had magic! Our neighbour was excellent - he did a magic trick with a latex glove. It may not sound like much but it was very impressive. I guess you had to be there.
I had to leave the party so that I could come and finish the Blog. Yes, I know, I am incredibly dedicated aren't I?
Year Fours
This week I have been a busy bee, getting my presentation ready for the parents and carers of the Year Four children who are coming up to us in September. I have created a power point which has been quite a steep learning curve for me as I think this is probably the fifth one I have ever done!
When I wrote each slide, I liked to put pictures with them which meant that I had to delve back into my extensive photograph archive. I found a selection of absolute corkers that I thought I would share with you.

It is when I look at pictures like this that my heart swells with complete pride. I love our school and I just can't wait to get back to you all - whenever that will be...
#247 Challenge
Last week I told you about the competition that Mrs James was running to acknowledge National Writing Day.
Here is one of the entries that Mrs James received from Sophie in 5NR.
One day me and my dog walked into Puddletown Forest. After bounding away he began barking; I followed. He'd found a chest! T'was treasure!
Well done Sophie!
Has anyone else had a go?
I would love to publish it here if you have.
Go on, be brave!
Have a look at last week's Blog, have a go and email Mrs James...
Story Time
Don't forget to keep checking:
I have got TWO original stories by pupils to record for you next week which is all very exciting. Watch out for announcements on our Facebook page.
Well, that's it for this week!
I hope you have a fabulous week and that the sun shines for you all. We only have two weeks left of the craziest Summer Term I have ever know in the whole of my teaching career.
This September, I would have joined Dorchester Middle School twenty (yes, twenty) years ago yet it feels like I've been there for five minutes.
Why have I stayed at the school so long?
It's because of you, the amazing children who go there.
It's because of the amazing parents who support our school.
It's because of the amazing staff who nurture, encourage and care for you and help you to be the very best you can.
I remember saying in a previous Blog that change could be good. I firmly believe that and even though sometimes I personally find it hard to accept change, I acknowledge it and then embrace it.
Please keep being kind to each other, please stay safe by being sensible and please keep being alert and having an awareness of what is going on around you.
Mrs Ray x
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