Hello and a HUGE welcome to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
I can't begin to tell you how fantastic it feels to be back in a real school, with real teachers and real children! My virtual world is no more. Coming back was nerve-wracking and exciting in equal measure but now I have over a week under my metaphorical belt, it hardly feels like I've been away. Is that how you feel?
The balloons were great weren't they? I hope they helped you with finding your Zone on your return to school? Well done Mr Murray!
The Blog is going to be a bit different this year as it will be representing what the whole school has been up to and not just Key Stage Two. I am still figuring out how I am going to do this so please bear with me whilst I work it out!
This Blog post will feel quite Key Stage Two to begin with but it will gradually change.
So, on with the show!
Worth a Mention Children
For those of you who may be new to the Blog, every week we celebrate the children in Years Five and Six. We recognise them by putting the names of children who have done something noteworthy or who are, in general, worth a mention. The WAM boards are prominently situated in the Yellow and Red Zone corridors.
Let's start with Year Five...
Now for the turn of Year Six...
I must say a MASSIVE thank you to
the wonderful Miss Enever for updating and sorting out the boards. They look fabulous!
Huge congratulations to everyone who has been mentioned this week. I can't wait to see who makes their way on to the boards next week!
The Five Ways to Wellbeing

Before we embarked on our timetables this Wednesday, we had a good, in depth look at The Five Ways to Wellbeing.
This weekend I have been trying to make sure that I put this into practice.
Getting Active
For those of you who know me, I love running. I'm not very good at it, I'm not going to win any races but I enjoy how it makes me feel, especially when I get home!
I have been running with my friends Hannah and Karen all the way through Lockdown (from when we were permitted to meet others) and we try to run twice a week as well as attending a weekly exercise class together.
We even let my husband Duncan and daughter Elsie join us for a bit on Sunday!
Keep Learning
I went ot Dorchester on Sunday and came across the Town Crier. He was brilliant!
Take Notice
I have never been to Stinsford Church. I have passed it so many times and have always meant to go and have a look so this weekend, I actually bothered to visit it. It was fascinating, a real part of our Dorset heritage and it is virtually on our doorstep.

This is my sister. She lives in London but was in Dorset as she is filming down here. It was brilliant to see her.
My sister needed my help on Sunday so despite living in Blandford, I went back to Dorchester to assist her. I was so pleased that I made the effort. I'll let you know what I actually did to help her in a few weeks time...
What have you done towards your Five Ways to Wellbeing? You do it without even realising it don't you? I would love to know!
Well, that's it for this week.
I hope you enjoyed reading the Blog and will come back again next week.
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