Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
Well, that was a rather fabulous week wasn't it? Another week has whizzed by and I don't think many of us have actually stopped have we?
From Remembrance Day to Children in Need, we have had a lot to think about and reflect on.
I warn you now, there is a lot on the Blog this week so grab yourself a nice cup of tea/coffee (alternatives are available!), find yourself a comfy seat and enjoy the wonderful world of Dorchester Middle School!
Children in Need
I was delighted that, as a country, we raised £37 million on Friday night for such a fantastic cause.
The generosity of the nation included Dorchester Middle School who definitely entered into the spirit of it as you can see in the pictures below.
Joining in with 5MW doing PE with Joe brought back memories of the first lock down when I did his session every single morning. His PE Lessons were brilliant and such an important part of my daily routine. I felt like I knew him personally!
Reading Stripes

When I come into school on a Friday morning, it fills my heart with pride to see the names that are already on the Worth a Mention boards.
I love looking at the reasons why the children have been chosen. I can't but help admire the variety of reasons why the children have been chosen - it what makes these boards so very special.
Let's start with the Super Sixes:
Amazing Year Six
The work that the children have been producing in Design Technology has been nothing short of incredible.
Even though they have not been able to access the specialist facilities that we have in our school, the quality of what they have been making is beyond impressive.
Miss Enever sent me the following pictures of the work that has been made by the delightful 6RB and 6PE. I couldn't choose one or two pictures so apologies in advance but I think you will agree that they deserve to be seen and celebrated.
Honey Update
Do you remember the baby hedgehog (hoglet) that was rescued from the school playground before half term?
Well, here she is! Honey is making fabulous progress. Not only has she put on weight, she has been released into the rescue lady's garden so she is close to school.
Remembrance Day
It was a privilege and honour to stand out in the school field, with the rest of the school, to commemorate Remembrance Day.
Mr Roberts is a key part of this event in school and had organised for a member of the community to play The Last Post which was incredibly moving for us all.
Four children from Mr Robert's class wrote and read out the poems that they had written in class. They were brilliant. So that you can enjoy and appreciate how brilliant they were, we are going to record them reading their work and I will share it on the Blog next week.
Damers Book Appeal
This week, I had an email from the lovely Mrs Hardinge who is a Year Four Teacher at Damers First School.
She has asked that if you were in Year Four last year and you still have one of the books that you were lent at the beginning of Lock Down in March, please could it be returned as soon as possible?
Anti-Bullying Week
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week and we are kicking it off with our 'Odd Socks' Day on Monday to celebrate our children's uniqueness.
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