Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
What another terrific week! The main focus of the week has been Anti Bullying but we have also managed to hold our first virtual assembly which was a very nerve-wracking and exciting experience in equal measure. More of that later.
The amount of money we raised for Children in Need was impressive wasn't it? £607.37 is no mean feat considering that we were a bit limited to what we could do. A huge thank you to everyone who donated to this fantastic charity.
Right, let's crack on with this week's offering...
Anti-Bullying Week
A massive thank you to ALL of the children and staff who bravely wore odd socks on Monday. Even though the brief was to wear odd socks, I still had to make sure that mine co-ordinated in some way or another. Is that me showing my unique-ness? Possibly...
Here are a few of the children's odd socks from Monday. Watching me and Miss Enever take pictures of ankles must have been extraordinary to witness!

Many of the staff also took part and modelled some fabulous examples of their odd socks.
Ms Pluck's odd socks were quite subtle weren't they? Clever.
The children participated in a variety of events throughout the week. One of them was to design their own pair of odd socks and the school is awash with them.
I spied this on 5CWT's Wonderful Work Wall - I love the washing line with the odd socks on - genius!
Stripy Children
On Wednesday, Miss Easton and I held our first Virtual Assembly where we 'presented' the Year Five children with the Reading Stripes that they had gained since the beginning of term.
It was an absolute triumph! When we were reading out the children's names, we could hear the clapping throughout the Year Five corridor - it was rather humbling.
I was very impressed that some of the stripes appeared on the sweatshirts so quickly - fair play to the sowers of you.
I couldn't resist taking pictures to show you!
You could, if you wanted to, have one arm for reading stripes and the other arm for Achievement Points as they are termly e.g. we have Bronze, Silver etc stripes for each term.
It's the turn of Year Six to have their Reading Stripes presented in another Virtual Assembly next week. The Year Six Homebase Tutors will be totally up the number of reads on Monday ready for the assembly on Wednesday.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to all of the fabulous children who found their names on this week's Worth a Mention Boards.
This week we are going to start with Year Five:
Now it's the turn of our Year Six children:
I'm loving the 6RB Board - it sounds as though you have had a lot of fun!
Well done to one and all for such an achievement.
I will look forward to see who has managed to get on these wonderful boards next week.
Slowly but surely...
Thank you to the Year Five children who have remembered to bring back the books that were loaned to them by Damers during the last lock down.
As you can see, the pile has got a bit bigger but there are still quite a few missing books.
I will be handing them back to Mrs Hardinge on Friday so please make sure that if you do have one of these books that you hand it to me before then.
Well, that's it for this week.
As we edge nearer to the end of our second lockdown, I hope that you have a good week and that you continue to stay safe and well.
Mrs Ray
(who had a bit of 'help' writing the Blog this week. I can't begin to tell how much bunny hair I had to clear from my laptop! It's nice to know that Beryl is taking an interest in what goes on at Dorchester Middle School.)
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