What a relief!

 Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!

Week Two post Lockdown and it really does feel like we are well and truly back in the swing of it. The children continue to be their usual amazing selves and we have had another terrific week as a result. 

The definite highlight of the week for me was Comic Relief's Red Nose Day on Friday - so many people made such brilliant effort with the hundreds of groan-some jokes that were submitted to me.

 However, the number of the school community who dressed up on Friday as either a Superhero/Hero and in Onesies and PJs (which was rather fortuitous as it was also World Sleep Day!) was heat-warming and touching.

So much to report so I'll crack on...

My Heroes

The Staff at DMS are fabulous aren't they? So many dressed up in various guises on Friday - it was a lot of fun!

Here is a selection of pictures to give you an idea of what it was like in school.

As you can see, many of us dressed up to celebrate and thank our NHS Heroes. I was lucky enough to have my picture taken with a real life NHS Hero, Mr Davy whose son is in Year Five.

In  Year Five there were two children who dressed up as their hero, their teacher Mrs Whiting. Both Mrs Whitings were very good and took the register extremely well. 
It was hilarious!

I love the fact that many of the children came dressed as their heroes as well as their favourite Superheroes.

We also had the most cracking selection of Onesies/PJs. I definitely had a lot of 'Onesie Envy'...

A big 'thank you' to Miss Enever for taking some of these cracking pictures.

Non Uniform was also very popular but I do love the way that Comic Relief merchandise was visible.

A lot of you have asked me about the Joke Competition. I had HUNDREDS of entries and haven't had, at the time of writing, had the chance to shorten the short list (if that makes sense?) so the winners will be announced at the beginning of next week.

I just want to say a massive 'thank you' to the children from 6TH who helped me with the short list. I may well be calling on your services again next week.

Thank you to everyone for such an incredibly successful day. We must not forget though that the whole reason for doing this is was so that we could raise money for a fantastic charity.

 Once the money has come out of quarantine and has been counted then we will let you know how much we have raised.

Worth a Mention Children

Hopefully you saw on our Facebook page last week's Year Five Worth a Mention children.

This week we are back on it and have a wonderful selection of children to 'show off' this week.

I am going to start with Year Six...

Now for Year Five...


Huge congratulations to all of the children who are on the boards this week - fabulous reasons and fabulous achievements.

Keep up the good work Team DMS!

I can see a wood full of of trees...

Last week I shared with you some of the pictures of the Class Trees from our Wellbeing Day. Miss Enever spied these magnificent examples on her travels.

I just love them.

Helping Hands

Miss Enever also spotted these great examples of hands around the Behaviour for Learning Expectations.


Remote Learning - not just a distant memory.

It has been great seeing the work that was produced at home during the latest Lockdown. In the Year Six corridor, a selection of 6EJ's work is proudly on display.


Wellbeing Check In

I just want to check that you are still looking after your Mental Health and Wellbeing by following the Five Ways to Wellbeing?

This week, after a very busy Friday, Mrs Whiting and I went for a run.

It was eventful to say the least! Neither of us had much energy at the end of the day but we were both so pleased that we did it - our Mental Health boxes were well and truly ticked!

Curriculum Links

It was so lovely to 'see' so many parents over our two weeks of parent consultations.

Our Faculty Leaders work very hard to make sure that all of our children receive a broad and balanced curriculum so if you want to see what the children are doing in school or what is coming up next have a look on our school website:


The Curriculum Maps are particularly good and well worth a look.

Well, that's it for another week. I hope you have a good week and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week for more updates, information sharing as well as pure and utter showing off of the awesome children in our school!

Mrs Ray

(who has decided to share a cute parrot picture this week! This is Pico, my Mum and Stepdad's parrot. He absolutely loves the ladies but has a particular soft spot for Elsie!)
