Back on it!

 Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!

It may well feel like a life time ago but did you all have a good half term? At the risk of sounding typically British, it was so lovely to have such gorgeous weather wasn't it? 

When I returned to school, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful our wild meadow outside the Science Labs was looking. I thought I would share this picture with all of you.

Let's crack on with this week's Blog...

Wessex Wild

If you can't go to the farm then the farm can come to you, right? 

This week, our lucky Year Five children were visited by Chrissy Hancock of Wessex Wild to talk to them about healthy eating using the Eatwell Guide and to learn more about where their food comes from. 

I was lucky enough to sit on the first part of Chrissy's talk with 5CWT and it was brilliant!

I have no idea what's going in these pictures but it looks as though the children are having an ace time!

Being a Farmer's daughter, it was such a joy to see the children absorbing everything that Chrissy shared with them. Even those children with an agricultural background learnt something new.
Thank you Chrissy! 

Stained Glass Loveliness

I just happened to come across the children in 5KD sharing some of the amazing stained glass window designs that they had created in art. It was too good an opportunity to miss!

Aren't they clever? 
Well done 5KD, what gorgeous designs!

Worth a Mention Children

As always, HUGE congratulations to all of this week's WAMs. You are all officially superstars!

Let's start with Year Six this week:

What fantastic choices for Pupil Voice Representatives - well done Team Year Six!

Now for the turn of Year Five:

What a terrific range of accolades! Well done to each and every child who has found their name on the board this week - you are ALL complete and utter super stars!

...and finally.

This wonderful picture was created by a Year Eight pupil especially for Ms Pluck.

From looking at the picture, can you work out what is represented in it that links with Ms Pluck?

Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a terrific week and that the sunshine continues o shine for us all.

Mrs Ray

(who met up with Miss Clements on Saturday for a long, overdue catch up. More mental health boxes ticked...)
