Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
I hope everyone has had a good week? I think the word 'eventful' could easily be applied, don't you? Like I said last week, we seem to be hurtling towards the end of term at break neck speed which is no mean feat in itself!
I am pleased to announce that my camera has been found! Miss Enever saved the day and found it in the ICT Suite which was, of course, one of the places that I didn't look. I think my camera is like a cat, it seems to have nine lives. Thank you Miss Enever for saving the day/Blog!
As a result of this, I have lots to report to you so I'll crack on.
Football Fever
There were lots of tired and bleary-eyed children in school on Monday morning following THAT football match! Although it wasn't the result that anyone wanted (and there were some very indignant pundits I can tell you!), I was really impressed with how, once they had arrived, the children knuckled down and cracked on with their learning.
Here are a few of the pictures that I took from last week (pre Camera loss).

Such loyal fans!
Missing in action
In Year Five, my English classes are cracking on with the book Kensuke's Kingdom and it was 5CWT's turn to hold a press conference. Jack and Harriet played Michael's parents and they were excellent (once Jack stopped giggling). I think we have some budding journalists in 5CWT!
Cave Dwellings
Continuing with the theme of Kensuke's Kingdom, 5MW used the description in one of the chapters that we read to draw what they thought Kensuke's Cave looked like.
I was beyond delighted with the results...
Aren't they fabulous!
Headteacher's Worth a Mention Board
Outside Ms Pluck's office there is another WAM board. Every fortnight, each faculty takes it in turn to display some of the amazing work that the children produce in their subject.
This week's board really caught my eye. In fact, the work was so impressive that it spread onto two boards.
The word 'powerful' doesn't cover it.
Damers do it again!
I felt very honoured to be invited by Mrs Smith to come and watch the Year Four Damers play on Wednesday evening.
Well, I can tell you, it was a joy from beginning to end. Watching those fabulous children put their hearts and souls into this year's production was incredibly moving.
As their Year Lead in September, I cannot wait to welcome them into Year Five.
Mr Benham was also there as his daughter is in Year Four. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house after the 960 Days at Damers film. Luckily, I had my trusty tissues on standby!
Moving on up
Yet again, our fantastic Year Six children showed us what superstars they are. On Tuesday, it was the school's Transfer Morning where the majority of the children met their new Homebase Tutors for September. I think they were relieved to finally find out who they were going to be in a class with.
On Friday, the children who will be in 7JF met their Tutor Mrs Fogarty during Golden Time. She had a lovely chat with the children and is really excited to be their Tutor in September.
Worth a Mention Children
As always, HUGE congratulations to the children who found themselves on this week's Worth a Mention boards. When I went upstairs to take the Year Six pictures, I was so impressed with their boards. I actually found it quite moving - I am so going to miss those fabulous children next year.
Now for the turn of our equally fabulous children in Year Five:
Well done to each and every one of you!
How does your garden grow?
In her letter this week, Ms Pluck mentioned the school garden so I trotted off there after school on Friday to take a few pictures to show you.
As I was happily taking the pictures of the garden, I could keep hearing a squeaking sound. Once I worked out that it wasn't me (!), I realised there was a baby seagull right next to me. He had fallen out of the nest which is on top of one of the chimneys.
Although he was quite big, he couldn't fly yet so he was in a bit of predicament to say the least.
Whilst he was cheeping for his Mum, a seagull search party had been dispatched to look for him. They were very vocal in their search.
Daddy Seagull |
Mummy Seagull |
The baby then wandered off in the opposite direction despite my best efforts to get him to return to where the noisy parents were. In the end, Miss Clements came out to help me get the baby back to the parents.
They were eventually reunited but as they were communicating with each other, the nearby chickens kicked off.
Honestly, it was aviarian pandemonium!
I bet the baby seagull had an earful from his concerned parents!
Well, that's it for this week. I will look forward to seeing you next week for the last Blog of the academic year.
Have a good week!
Mrs Ray
(who went out for a run with Mrs Whiting on Friday after work and nearly melted in the process. There are also a couple of pictures of the bunnies, just in case you were getting withdrawal symptoms!)
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