Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
I hope that you have all had a good week and an even better weekend? I was so pleased to see that the sun decided to make a guest appearance which was rather lovely. I guess we are going to have to make the most of it?
There were sore legs all round in the Pastoral Base on Monday morning. If I thought that my legs were hurting after the London Summer Run, it was nothing compared to Miss Clements' legs that were forced to complete a marathon. Yes, a marathon! I thought she walked remarkably well taking into consideration the distance that she had completed in an extremely impressive time. However, watching her navigate stairs (especially going down them) was quite amusing.
Miss Clements will also be running the London Marathon next month.

I am pleased to report we had a terrific first week back here at DMS. It was lovely to welcome back the Year Sixes on Monday and the Year Sevens on Tuesday.
Year Six |
Year Seven
By Lesson Three on Tuesday, the whole school was on timetable. I did feel for our Year Six children. For the first time, they have had to navigate their way around the school. There were, understandably, a few lost children but they are definitely finding their feet. They have connected with their inner Homing Pigeon!
With the beautiful weather came the opportunity to go outside in lesson time to make the most of our super school grounds. I popped outside on Monday to see Mr Roberts and his class about to embark on a session with our new PE Technician, Mr Krige.

I have a sneaky feeling that they had a rather fabulous time!
Worth a Mention Children - Part One
Every week, Homebase Tutors in Key Stage Two celebrate children in their Tutor Group who deserve a shout out. This can be for a variety of reasons and are written on our 'Worth a Mention' Board.
Here is this week's board for YEAR FIVE.
Huge congratulations to each and every one of you!
Class Tree
As part of our connecting, (or in some cases, reconnecting) with each other, the Homebases have been busy creating their Class Trees. These might look familiar to some of you as we previously created trees on our return to school after the last lockdown in March.
Here are a few of the corkers that I spotted on my rounds...
Aren't they fabulous?
There are many more that are in the germination stage!
Worth a Mention Children - Part Two
Huge congratulations to ALL of the children in Year Six for being 'Worth a Mention' children this week. I am so proud of you for making such a good first impression on your new Homebase Tutors.
Congratulations also go to Miss Homer for being the first Year Six Tutor to write up her board. This is all new to her so well done for getting in there so promptly!
Year Five Assembly - The Five Ways to Wellbeing
This week, along with my fellow Year Leads, I held my first 'official' assembly of the academic year and decided to use 'The Five Ways to Wellbeing' as my theme.
If you do not know what they are, then let me enlighten you:
For those of you who know me, I am feel very passionately about our mental health and wellbeing and try to include as many of the above as possible in my everyday life.
So, what did you do this weekend to help your mindset? I went to a run on Sunday with my friend Karen. I got ACTIVE by running, I managed to CONNECT with my friend, I TOOK NOTICE of the beautiful countryside, I GAVE time to my friend as well as myself and I LEARNT a new route around the woods. All of that in one run!
Year Five Meet and Greet
This Wednesday, we will be welcoming our Year Five parents into the school grounds to meet with the Year Five Team. This is an informal event that will run from 5pm - 6.30pm and will give you the opportunity drop in to say hello to your child's Homebase Tutor as well as meeting other parents and having a tour of the school by our Year Eight pupils.
Refreshments will be available from the PTFA and if you can donate a cake or biscuits (no homemade pressures here!) then please bring them to the office on Wednesday morning where they will be gratefully received!
Further information on this event can be found on the 'Welcome to Year Five' letter that was sent out last week:
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you have a good week and I will look forward to meeting with our Year Five parents on Wednesday evening. Fingers crossed that weather is kind!
Mrs Ray
(who has finally come to terms with her status as 'Bunny Bore'. To confirm, here is a picture of Roy!)
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