Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
That was a busy old week wasn't it? I don't think that my feet actually touched the ground. Mind you, my step count was jolly impressive so not only was I keeping busy, I was also keeping fit! Win, win right?
At the time of writing, the weekend has virtually come to a close so I hope that you had a good couple of days and enjoyed the lovely warm weather that we are still experiencing.
Right, here we go...
Hot Chocolate Treat
Whilst I was in the Hall on Friday, enjoying Mrs Whiting's assembly (more on that later), Ms Pluck was trying to come in to the Training Room without being noticed which clearly didn't work!
She was meeting the Pupil Voice Representatives who helped to interview and select the new School Librarian. Ms Pluck was so impressed with the questions they asked and the way that they conducted themselves that she decided to treat then to a hot chocolate and biscuit.
Well done and thank you!
Snap Happy
On Friday, the school photographers were in to take the annual pictures of the individual children as well as the numerous group of siblings that we have in the school.
I was with 6PC who were the first ones to go after the siblings and they were complete naturals.
I love getting my daughter's picture every year as they are super Christmas presents for the family.
I can't wait to see the final products!
All on board!
Here is the updated board of the Year Six Team. As you can see, there have been a few changes so I thought you might like to see who is now tutoring and supporting Year Six.
Another cracking team!
Worth a Mention Children
HUGE congratulations to all of the fabulous children who are on this week's WaM Boards.
Let's start with Year Six this week:
Now it's the turn of Year Five:
Planet Earth
This Friday (it was a very busy day wasn't it?), Mrs Whiting delivered a cracking assembly about sustainability which really made us think about what we can do to help save our fragile planet.
Mrs Bunting will be running an Eco Club which will be meeting for the first time on Tuesday (28th) at break time in Room 20 (which is in one of the huts).
All are welcome to come along and share their ideas and expertise.
Green Fingers
Last week, I asked for you to donate your 'It's Good to Grow' vouchers from Morrison's to our school.
Here is the link:
So far, we have the grand total of 104 vouchers. Our target is 2,500 by 24th October. It's so easy to do, you just need to set it up and Morrisons will do the rest.
Don't you just love technology?
Celebrity Overload
On Monday 4th October, the whole school will be watching The Big Anti Bullying Assembly during Homebase Time.
The Big Anti-Bullying Assembly is part of a three-year partnership between The Diana Award, a young person’s charity founded in memory of the late Princess of Wales, and Nationwide Building Society.
The children and teachers who watched it last year gave us really positive feedback so we are delighted to facilitate this again.
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day will be held on Sunday 10th October so in order to support and mark this event, we are hoping that everyone in the school will wear something yellow on Friday 8th October.
The children will all be taking part in an activity or two that will support them looking after their mental health and wellbeing during Homebase time.
This will not be a Non Uniform Day, we are just asking for the children to substitute an item of uniform for something yellow e.g. socks or a tie or shirt or even something yellow in their hair. This is not a fundraising event as we are hoping to raise money for Dorset Mind during Children's Mental Health Week in February next year.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing
Talking of Mental Health and Wellbeing, what have YOU been doing to support your growth mindset this week?
On Wednesday night the Staff Wellness and Happiness Group (known a SWaHG) met up for the first time in a long time. We CONNECTED with each other, we LEARNED a lot from each other, we were ACTIVE as we walked to our destination, we GAVE each other time and we TOOK NOTICE of what everyone was sharing.

For me, it didn't stop there. It was my Mum's Birthday on Saturday so all three of her children and four grandchildren surprised her in London by meeting up and then going on an open air bus tour of London followed by a rather scrummy afternoon tea by the river.
Well, that's it for this week. I hope that you have a terrific week and that things slow down a little bit for us all!
'See' you next week!
Mrs Ray
(who continued to tick all of her mental health boxes by going for a beautiful run with her friend Charlotte on Sunday and came across a sheep called 'Lemon' being taken for a walk by her owner. She couldn't resist the 'Sheep Selfie' opportunity!)
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