Hello and a very warm welcome to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
I hope you all had a fantastic Summer Holiday and that you have either enjoyed your day/s in school and/or are looking forward to your return on Monday/Tuesday. We are looking forward to seeing Year Six on Monday and Year Seven on Tuesday - the place hasn't been the same without you!
The holidays have whizzed by haven't they? I know that they always do but the REALLY sped past this year. I hope you all had a lovely time, whatever you did, and are looking forward to this academic year. We are ready and raring to go!
Well, enough of the Ray Ramblings and on with the Blog!
Year Five
We have had a terrific first couple of days with our lovely new recruits and what a fantastic bunch they are! Our brilliant Year Five Homebase Tutors have done a marvellous job at getting the children settled and building connections with them.
I always find the first day with Year Five quite emotional - this is the next step in your learning journey and confirmation that you are all growing up way too fast for everyone's liking!
Ms Pluck welcomed everyone into the school on Thursday and shared her values and visions with the children and their parents.
She then planted the oak tree sapling that she has been nurturing especially for our new intake of Year Fives. We will watch this grow over the next four years as we will watch our current Year Fives flourish and grow.
Year Eight
It was so good to see our Year Eights on Friday. I am convinced that they have all had a growth spurt!
Ms Pluck also shared with them her visions and values.
I can't believe it will be their last year at DMS. It seemed like only yesterday that they were in Year Five!
One of the highlights of my week has been, without a doubt, watching the Year Fives and Eights Buddy up. Last year, they had to sit two metres apart which was quite tricky but luckily not this year.
This year, it was so lovely to see them chat to each other. It did make us chuckle when some of the children were amazed that they had something in common with their Buddies. Honestly, it was like we had spent time considering the pairings!
It's not just the children who Buddy up, so do the teachers!
Miss Farn (8AF) and Mrs Whiting (5CWT) |
Miss Hobern (8MH) and Miss Ashley (5MA) |
Mrs Bunting (8HB) and Mr Duffy (5KD) |
Mr Roberts (5MR) and Mr Greetham (8JG)
Miss Still (8IW) and Ms Woodley (5MW) Mrs Winstanley will also be joining them.
The Year Leads: me for Year Five and Miss Clements for Year Eight. |
Year Five Home/School Diaries and Timetables
Unfortunately, the timetables were not ready to go out on Friday so they will be distributed on Monday instead. The Year Five children will then be given their shiny, brand new diaries to bring home.
We will be looking through the diaries with the children on Monday and will ask them to share them with you at home. Please complete the information on the inside cover as soon as possible. It is important that these diaries are brought into school every day.
Never forgotten!
Although we don't see you all for weeks on end, it doesn't mean that you are far from our thoughts. In fact, far from it as these pictures will show you.
Impromptu lunch after working in school |
Buddying Up during the holidays.
Look what I spotted at the all new singing and dancing Dorset Museum! |
It is a fantastic space and well worth a visit!
Random Act of Kindness
This weekend, I participated in the London Summer 10km Run with a few of my Runblandford buddies. It was very exciting, very nerve-wracking, very hot and very exhausting!
I was so proud of myself as I hadn't trained as much as I should have done but I didn't stop to walk once!
So, how on earth is this relevant I hear you cry?
Well, I was on the receiving end of two random acts of kindness by complete and utter strangers.
The first one was when I was buying my lunch at Waterloo Station. The Manager of Pret was so impressed that I had completed the run that he gave me my tea free of charge and the lady who was serving me gave me my yummy roll didn't charge me. How lovely!
The second one was when me and my friend Hannah were waiting for our connecting train from Basingstoke. We had missed our previous train and were waiting for the next one when a very kind chap who works for South West Trains upgraded us to First Class!
Both acts of kindness really made my day. Do you do random acts of kindness? It makes you feel good doesn't it? Kindness is very important when it comes to our Mental Health and Wellbeing - giving is great, receiving is even better!
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed my rather eclectic Blog post and that you tune in again next week where I am sure that I will have loads more to share.
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Ray
(who just had to share a couple of poignant pictures from the holidays. I think Mrs Whiting was rather taken with Beryl the (male) Bunny, don't you?).
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