Hello and welcome back to the last Dorchester Middle School Blog of the year!
We did it!
We made it to the end of the term and what a term it has been!
We really have experienced one of the most extraordinary times that I can ever remember as a teacher. There are have been so many uncertainties haven't there but the thing that has remained certain is the commitment and care that the fantastic staff at DMS have shown throughout.
I feel so honoured to work with the most fabulous people, despite some of the most trying times that we have ever known as a staff. Our wonderful children are at the heart of everything that we do and we wouldn't have it any other way. So, this Christmas, I will be raising a glass to Team DMS - an absolute force to be reckoned with!
Last Day Shenanigans
The last day of term was just as busy as every other day but I have a sneaky suspicion that it was a lot of fun as the pictures below show.
Mr Haigh wins, without a shadow of a doubt, the Mr Christmas Award. Everyday last week he managed to wear something Christmassy and look incredibly stylish in the process!
I have a feeling that a lot of sugar was consumed on that last day so apologies in advance if you were on the receiving end of some rather hyper children!
Geography Geniuses
There is nothing like a project to get your teeth into is there?
Our Year Six children were set a homework where they had to research and present information about an earthquake or tsunami of their choosing.
In 6JH we had THE most incredible work turned in. The presentations that we watched were well researched, well delivered and well presented. The word 'impressed' doesn't cover it!
Here are a few pictures taken from 6JH's lesson.
Annabella's Grandfather was part of a rescue mission following the Greek Earthquake in the 1950s. He is pictured above. |
The quality was amazing - I definitely felt inadequate but the children have kindly agreed to give me PowerPoint lessons.
Little do they know that I will actually be taking them up on their kind offers!
Worth a Mention Children
When I went to photograph this week's Worth a Mention Boards, I was not vaguely surprised that all of the children in Key Stage Two had a mention as you can see below.
Well done EVERYONE!
Stripy Children
Miss Easton and I had a lovely time during our Year Five Stripes Assembly on Friday. We were incredibly impressed with the number of stripes that had been earned by the hardworking children.
A special mention to 5MR who have, between them, amassed the biggest number of reads, all 1145 of them!
At the beginning of every term, the Achievement Point totals go back to zero and we start all over again.
The reads are continuous so that the children can build on what they have already earned.
I can't wait to award even more stripes next term.
An Appeal...
We are desperately short of Board Games in our school. I recently purchased a Connect Four and it has been played so much I can't begin to tell you!
If you have any board games that are in good condition and you no longer use or need, we would be incredibly grateful for any donations.
If you can help us, please could you send your donations via your children or to the office, that would be brilliant.
Thank you so much!
Well, that's it for this week and, in fact, for this year! This Blogger is going to have a bit of a break but will look forward to continue reporting the fabulousness that is DMS in the New Year.
Have a fabulous, well deserved holiday. Recharge those batteries, enjoy spending time with your loved ones but, above all, remember those Five Ways to Wellbeing - they really do make a difference.
Mrs Ray
(who has made start to her Five Ways to Wellbeing already: I am CONNECTING with the Bunnies again, BEING ACTIVE by attending Parkrun, LEARNING Christmas Carols with my neighbours GIVING my time to support my local community as well as TAKING NOTICE of so many things that I don't normally have time for in term time.)
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