The next chapter

 Hello and welcome back to the second Dorchester Middle School Blog post of the weekend! 

I am spoiling you!

It may have been a four day week but my goodness me, we managed to pack it all in didn't we?

The big event of the week was, without doubt, Thursday's World Book Day. 

I don't think I have ever seen a World Book Day quite like it! I have never seen so many children from all the year groups participate - the school was awash with wonderful costumes!

Mrs Jeffery, our school Librarian, has got a lot of pictures to share so, in the meantime, here are some of the pictures that I took on the day...

Doesn't everyone look fabulous? I loved the fact that everyone had a story (literally!) behind their chosen outfits.
There are LOADS more pictures to come - you have been warned!

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention Children. 

Let's start with Year Five this time:

Now the turn of Year Six:

Fab -u - lous!

A sneaky peak...

Storm Eunice has a lot to answer for! 
When she came to Blandford, she decided to whip off a few of our roof tiles (rude) as well as really upset the bunnies as I didn't let them out of their hutch until the afternoon as I wanted them to be safe and not blown into next door's garden!

However, we also have a lot to thank her for. She inspired so many of you when it came to the challenge that Ms Pluck set you didn't she?

Ms Pluck has got some cracking plans for the incredible work that has been handed in but she kindly let me and my camera come into her office and have sneaky look at the goodies that you produced.

Watch this space...

Well, that's it for this week. I hope that you have a terrific week and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week.

Mrs Ray
