Hello and welcome back to the Dorchester Middle School Blog!
I hope that you are all well and had a good week.
Life at DMS continues to be as busy and vibrant as ever as you will find out as you read on.
Well, hello there yellow!
Monday saw World Mental Health Day and as a school, we marked this occasion by wearing yellow.
I was so impressed with the number of people who participated especially as yellow isn't necessarily everyone's 'go to' colour!
The creativity and originality was true DMS!
Welcome to DMS!
On Monday evening, we threw the doors open of the school for the Year Four children and their parents so they could have a look at the school. They were shown round by our superb prefects who did the school proud!
It was so nice to see so many new and familiar faces around the school.
Year Five invade New Barn Field Centre
We did it! We got our Year Five children out of school for the day and what a glorious day it was. The weather couldn't have been any more perfect and set us up perfectly for the day ahead.
The purpose of our trip was to participate in a variety of team building activities, designed to encourage the children to work together.
As you can see, the children had a fabulous time.
The resident animals were not phased by our visit. I think I have now met the friendliest pigs in Dorset!
The alpacas were not phased by their visitors. I love the picture below!
We would like to say a huge 'thank you' to the staff at New Barn who made the whole experience such a good one.
New Barn, we will be back!
Year Six Assembly
It was the turn of 6LS to deliver our weekly assembly and what a magnificent job they did.
To link with World Mental Health Day, the children performed an assembly around the theme of Bullying.
It was so good to see so many of the class participate.
Well done 6LS!
Is there a Doctor in the house?
This week, 5CWT was introduced to a new service that is not widely available: the Sentence Surgery and Writing Clinic.
Run by two experts, Doctor Ray and Nurse Scollen, the children were able to seek advice on their writing.
I hope that they were helpful?
Dr Ray diagnosed a few cases of 'missingcapitalletterritus' but she was able to prescribe an effective treatment.
Another archaeological find...
Look at this fabulous homework by Kailani in Year Five. Isn't it brilliant? The attention to detail is impressive to say the least.
I was so impressed with the quality of the work that was brought into school by all of the classes.
Well done!
Worth a Mention Children
Huge congratulations to the epic children whose names were found on this week's Worth a Mention Boards.
Let's start with the Fabulous Fives this week.
Now for the turn of the Super Sixes.
Well done one and all!
Amazing Mr Roberts
He only went and completed the Amsterdam Marathon in under four hours!
Mr Roberts, you are a complete and utter legend!
Just to remind you that the PTFA will be holding it's Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16th November. It will be held in the Library and starts at 5pm.
Everyone is welcome!
Year Five Celebration Assembly
This Wednesday, we will be holding the first Celebration Assembly in three years! We are starting with Year Five and will be holding it online via Teams. Invites have gone out to parents via email. We are aiming to start at 2.05pm.
We are delighted that the children will be joined by their Year Eight Buddies.
If this is successful then we will roll this out to Year Six at the end of the Autumn Term.
Ultimately, we would love to have parents in school to celebrate with us but this is a good first step.
I have had many sleepless nights about the technology - fingers crossed that everything goes to plan by actually working!
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a terrific week.
Don't forget that we break up for half term on Thursday.
Mrs Ray
(who was a very proud friend on Saturday when her friend Karen completed her 250th Parkrun! What an amazing achievement!)
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